Question about He Xuan ( big spoilers ) : r/tianguancifu - Reddit
2021年8月30日 · Meanwhile, yes, He Xuan and Hua Cheng had a working relationship from very very early on because He Xuan could provide info from heaven and Hua Cheng could provide …
On He Xuan : r/tianguancifu - Reddit
2023年5月11日 · Moreover, He Xuan's revenge was pretty tame in comparison to his fate - at least one of them would get to live and they had already experienced bliss in the heavens for …
What do we know about He Xuan's mortal life? : r/tianguancifu
2022年7月10日 · AFAIK, "Sheng" just means scholar, so "He Sheng" is just "Scholar He" -- not actually his name, but a formal/respectful way of referring to him. "He Xuan" is indeed his real …
He Xuan and his family - SPOILER for the novel : r/tianguancifu
One reason I especially like this story is the way MXTX riffs on the theme of "family" from multiple facets, bringing together several different examples of families from different parts of the novel …
What happened to He Xuan in the end? : r/tianguancifu - Reddit
2021年1月4日 · And SQX eventually passes away because he is mortal. MXTX mentioned that in an interview , too. Of course, it's supposed to be a tragic tale of what obsession can do to a …
please explain the black water arc timeline : r/tianguancifu - Reddit
2023年5月29日 · then he xuan, disguised as ming yi, starts snooping around in the heavenly capital. ming yi is still alive because he xuan needs him for information about his mortal life, on …
Theory on He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan : r/tianguancifu - Reddit
2023年9月17日 · After He Xuan died, the RoEW no longer plagued him, but then he goes back and consumes the RoEW once he was a powerful enough ghost. He Xuan is miserable in the …
How do you interpret the ending for Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan?
2020年2月25日 · He Xuan came to the rescue and returned the fan to Shi Qingxuan. Of course, it is because Hua Cheng asked, but HX must have spent some time to fix the fan before …
he xuan and hua chengs agreement : r/tianguancifu - Reddit
2023年4月10日 · If I recall correctly He Xuan when he died Shi Wudu came to check if he was dead and from there he Xuan realized that a heavenly official was related to his demise (he …
He Xuan and Shi Wudu : r/tianguancifu - Reddit
2021年4月18日 · While Shi Qingxuan did indeed ascend, He Xuan ended up losing everyone and everything he loved as a result of this (and because the Reverend of Empty Words transferred …