Reported speech: indirect speech - Cambridge Grammar
Indirect speech focuses more on the content of what someone said rather than their exact words. In indirect speech, the structure of the reported clause depends on whether the speaker is …
Other Ways to Say “Said” - Grammarly
2023年1月25日 · We’re sure you’ve heard of the expression “he said, she said”—meaning it’s one person’s word against another’s. It’s something you want to avoid, and we’re… Learn the definition of dialogue tags, when they are necessary, and other ways to …
Dealing with “he said” and “she said” - Daily Writing Tips
2007年7月12日 · I’m not a big fan of writing “he said,” “she said” all the time. I especially find it difficult to do when dialogue is between a group of people. I’ll remember this tip.
somebody said vs. said somebody [he said / said he]
2007年12月4日 · The question (to me) was whether "he said" and "said he" are interchangeable for variety. They are not. "Said he" requires a context where it makes some sense. "He said" is generic and default. He Said, She Said: Dialog Tags and Using Them Effectively
He Said, She Said: Grammar and Options in Dialogue
Uncover the options available to you when writing dialogue so you can avoid repeating the standard he said, she said dialogue tags.
meaning - “He said, X” vs. “X, he said” vs. “X, said he” - English ...
In particular, in what situations is the “inverted” VS 1 order of said he preferred over either or both of the two versions that use he said in the “normal” SV 2 order? Are these nothing more than three equal options that vary by individual writers’ personal tastes?
What is the difference between "he was saying", "he says" and "he said…
2019年8月28日 · The he said/he says examples are obvious. One is present; one is past. The present continuous can be used with a simple past tense. He said we have a good chance of winning the game. He said it in the past, but the game has not yet been played. If the game had been played, he would have said: He said we had a good chance of winning the game.
punctuation - When is there no comma after "he says"? - English ...
2015年9月29日 · The comma is necessary when the quotation is being said. To use you example: 'He said, "I'll be there in ten minutes.' requires a comma. If, however, you're quoting someone mid-sentence you only need the comma if it's a full sentence.
Learn to use reported speech: HE SAID, SHE SAID - engVid
Reported speech and indirect speech mean the same thing: They allow you to express what someone has said. This sentence, He said he was studying English, is an example of reported speech. But how do you conjugate the verbs? Is it he said he was studying or he said he studied? Both are correct depending on the situation.
he said or he has said? - TextRanch
2024年8月11日 · Both 'he said' and 'he has said' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'He said' is used to report statements made in the past, while 'he has said' is used to indicate that his statement is relevant to the present moment.