punctuation - When is there no comma after "he says"? - English ...
2015年9月29日 · The comma is necessary when the quotation is being said. To use you example: 'He said, "I'll be there in ten minutes.' requires a comma. If, however, you're quoting someone …
When would you use "said he"? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2015年5月17日 · A hundred years ago it also sounded normal to say said he, but customs have changed; we no longer like to use inversion with pronouns. It sometimes sounds solemn …
What is the difference between "he was saying", "he says" and "he …
2019年8月28日 · He was saying adds the continuous sense to he said, it suggests that he spoke at length, and so "he is going to leave soon" is just a summary, not directly quoted speech.
Alternatives to "he said" in dialogue - Writing Stack Exchange
The simplest one: for a conversation between two people, don't give attributions like "he said", but just state it. If it's going to be a lengthy conversation, you can also throw names into their speech.
meaning - “He said, X” vs. “X, he said” vs. “X, said he” - English ...
He said, “ QQQ.” “ QQQ,” he said. “ QQQ,” said he. In particular, in what situations is the “inverted” VS 1 order of said he preferred over either or both of the two versions that use he …
Is there a synonym / analogue to "he said, she said" that allows a ...
"He said, she said" has a sense that not only does an interaction look different from the two sides, but of an imbroglio. There are a couple of moments I can think of that are "he said, she said" ...
"had said" vs. "said" -- are these sometimes interchangeable?
2015年2月6日 · So, the sentence above is implying that "prosecutors had said" before something else in the past. That "something else" is either part of context (something said earlier) or …
I said / have said - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2018年4月13日 · So I said that I thought it was a great idea... "I've said" would be used when the speaker is not going to repeat exactly what they said, and often to back up a point: He's an …
Correct punctuation for he said, she said - Writing Stack Exchange
2015年11月7日 · It was recently suggested to me that when attributing dialogue after a quote it should always end comma close quote lowercase, as in: "That's what," he said. However, if …
word order - "He/Peter said" vs. "Said he/Peter" - English …
2020年5月10日 · We often see "said he/Peter" or "he/Peter said" after the direct speech : "Your information is out of date" he said. "Your information is out of date" said he.