Was+V3 or Had+V3 - WordReference Forums
2012年12月9日 · "The snake had bitten the boy" is active: the subject of the sentence (=the snake) is the agent, who performs the action expressed by the verb; the object, or patient (=the boy), undergoes the action. "The boy was bitten by the/a snake" is a passive construction. Passives can only be used when the verb is transitive.
"Would have" or "would had" - use of tenses in a sentence
2017年3月28日 · you had worked hard - past perfect: backshifted for a hypothetical situation. Plug that into the sentence, and you get: If you had worked hard, you would not have had to suffer this much. You only use would for hypothetical situations when you need the past of will. I will meet you at the airport I would meet you at the airport if I had a car.
Is it ever grammatically correct to use "hadn't had + V3"?
2023年9月22日 · google searches for example of "hadn't had (V3 form of common verbs)" hardly show any results, but there are still few. So I assume this is just incorrect usages of this non-existing form. But then there is the "plusplusperfect" term which I have come across (for example "hadn't have happened"), which is a gramatically accepted, but mostly ...
When to use 'had been' + past participle of the verb
Why was "had been engaged" used in this sentence. Is it wrong to say "The couple have been engaged since the summer"? Is this sentence in passive voice so "had been + past participle" used? PS: I read other questions on stackexchange about tenses, but I couldn't understand why was had been + past participle used in the sentence.
explain the grammar of "have had to" in the sentence
2018年10月25日 · Sub + have+ V3 (Here had is past participle) (here John should have gone to the movie if didn't to go for medicine) Have + had to + V1 also gives the same meaning as should, must, ought to in Past period. Past Perfect tense: Sub + had + V3. this tense shows the just completed actions in past period. eg: i had gone to the post office to buy some ...
meaning - "would have v3" or "must have v3" for guessing about ...
2021年11月28日 · The 3rd conditional is: "If you had been watching earlier you would have heard me talk about the solution" The viewer cannot go back in time to hear the presenter talking about the solution. The speaker in your case is suggesting that there are some viewers who may have just joined the show.
How to use "Having + V3" and "Having been + V3" at the …
2021年11月29日 · There is no need for these to use perfective (have+V3) you can have -ing verbs with no "have": Eating the apple, I walked down the street. Eating the apple helped me to think. I am not keen on your "it" structure: I don't like "Eating the apple, it helped me to think". It's correct grammar, but the gerund pattern is more natural.
"Had" vs. "had been" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2013年7月20日 · The native ear will immediately recognize that "had been remained" is not correct. The had should be followed by a past participle. Remained and been are both past participles; you can use one or the other, but not both. So, either of these could be used to start the sentence: He had been president for 20 years... He had remained president for ...
Forms of being + V3 and difference between having+V3
2017年1月11日 · Second, I again really can't deduce meaning of sentences that use having+v3 structure except by one that is at the beginning of a sentence. (i.e. having worked - After he has worked) What are the forms of having+v3 and being+v3 except by I have just mentioned exceptions and short form of adjective clause. Example sentences that I can't understand:
How many "have" forms are there in English? [closed]
2021年1月30日 · I'm not sure what you're asking, but all forms of have can be used to form perfect (or pseudo-perfect, the "past infinitive"): He has eaten, they have eaten, he had eaten, he hasn't eaten, they haven't eaten, he hadn't eaten, having eaten, to have eaten.