机器学习第五十六周周报 HA-GNN - CSDN博客
2024年9月14日 · 本文引入了一种新的双曲图 神经网络 HA-GNN,其能够在双曲空间中利用网络结构和节点特征进行图表示学习。 通过引入双曲注意力机制,HA-GNN 能够同时捕捉网络结构属性和节点特征信息。 具体来说,首先使用 Mercator(快速模式)将网络映射到双曲空间 H^2 模型中,学习网络结构属性并计算 SP 注意力。 接下来,利用自注意力机制在欧几里得空间中学习节点特征信息,并计算 NF 注意力。 最后,通过计算双曲注意力将 NF 和 SP 注意力结合起来,从而 …
Healthcare-associated Gram-negative bloodstream infections: antibiotic ...
2016年12月1日 · This article describes the prevalence of antibiotic resistance and predictors of mortality for healthcare-associated (HA) Gram-negative bloodstream infections (GN-BSI). In total, 831 cases of HA GN-BSI from 17 intensive care units in different centres in Turkey were included; the all-cause mortality rate was 44%.
The Glycoprotein and Nucleocapsid Protein of Hantaviruses Manipulate ...
2019年5月14日 · Hantavirus infection, which causes severe zoonotic diseases with high mortality in humans, has become a global public health concern. Here, we demonstrate that Hantaan virus (HTNV), the prevalent prototype of the hantavirus in Asia, can restrain innate immune responses by manipulating host autophagy flux.
Healthcare-associated Gram-negative bloodstream infections: …
This article describes the prevalence of antibiotic resistance and predictors of mortality for healthcare-associated (HA) Gram-negative bloodstream infections (GN-BSI). In total, 831 cases of HA GN-BSI from 17 intensive care units in different centres in Turkey were included; the all-cause mortality …
Ha-gnn: a novel graph neural network based on hyperbolic attention
2024年4月21日 · In this paper, we propose hyperbolic attention graph neural networks (HA-GNN), which can leverage both network structure and node features for graph representation learning in an efficient way. Specifically, we design a structural properties attention mechanism that measures the structural connection between nodes based on their hyperbolic ...
In total 831 cases of HA-GNB were identified, of which 371 (44%) were fatal. In univariate analysis, the mean age and mean leukocyte count of fatal cases were higher.
In this paper, we present Hyperbolic Attention Graph Neural Networks named HA GNN, an optimized GNNs model based on hyperbolic network embedding, a tech-nique that learns node representations from complex net-works by mapping them into hyperbolic space.
HA/GN-103A 读数仪(智能) - 化工仪器网
2024年4月23日 · HAD-LCGSK矿用压注水水表主要用于测量煤矿井下采煤作面行煤层注水时的注水煤层中的水量、量及注水压力,是综合防尘的主要手段,是治本措施。 该水表解决了我煤层注水考核困难这问题,尤其是提了浅水孔注水的效果。 也可以用于测量其它压条件下(如压、喷雾)的水量、量及水压。 HAD-LCGSK矿用压注水水表主要由上壳体、下壳体、叶轮、叶轮盒、承压板,水量示器及压力示器等组成,系压力表和压注水表为体,携带方便,易操作。 LCG-SK矿用 …
(PDF) Healthcare-associated Gram-negative Bloodstream …
2016年8月1日 · We described the prevalence of antibiotic resistance and predictors of fatality for healthcare-associated (HA) Gram-negative bloodstream infections (GN-BSI). In total 831 cases of HA GN-BSI...
GitHub - deepseek-ai/DeepEP: DeepEP: an efficient expert-parallel ...
DeepEP: an efficient expert-parallel communication library - deepseek-ai/DeepEP