Amazon.com : HP 50g Graphing Calculator : Office Products
Sep 9, 2004 · Compact, portable, and simple to operate, the 50g features a 30 percent increase in usable space over the HP 49g, and handles complex computations with ease. The 50g features easy-to-use, powerful tools that students and professionals can rely on for years of performance, including built-in graphing functions, constants, and applications.
HP 50g - HPCC
Jan 1, 2022 · For PC users, the excellent Emu48 is available from www.hpcalc.org. It allows you to emulate the HP50g, as well as the HP38G, HP39G, HP40G, HP48S, HP48G and HP49 models. You can even pick different skins (KML scripts) for the different machines to suit your PC's screen resolution. Download HP50g specific files from here.
For symbolic operations the calculator includes a powerful Computer Algebraic System (CAS), which lets you select different modes of operation, e.g., complex numbers vs. real numbers, or …
hpcalc.org - HP Calculator Archive
Feb 17, 2025 · The largest, best source on the Internet for software for and information about Hewlett Packard's HP Prime, HP 50g, HP 49G, HP 48 series, HP 38G, and HP 28 series graphic calculators.
HP50G 中文版 奉献给广大的50小伙伴 - 惠普(HP)图形编程计算 …
Sep 21, 2018 · 没想到有人会翻译50g手册,确实了不起! 这样就让更多人能够了解惠普机器的魅力。 好样的,当年我也想翻译来着,最后还是太懒,再加上我的英文太水…… 刚入手一 …
如何评价hp50g计算器? - 知乎
Jan 12, 2021 · 利益相关:从事研究、研发工作,经常算“稍微复杂一些”乃至“复杂一些”的东西,日常用机 HP35S 及 HP50g (于在产在销期间购买)。 短答案:这是适用于 极少数 人群的计算器。 考虑到诸多现状, 不建议新购。 与本人体验相左的各位答友的出发点也是好的,希望计算器市场及计算爱好者间风气改善的初衷与努力也是值得肯定乃至于应予珍视的,但是笔者愚见,窃认为言语之间或有偏颇。 首先,无论对它的感受与看法如何,都绕不开一点:不仅这是停产的机 …
HP 50gs Emulator Package 1.0 - detailed information - hpcalc.org
Prepackaged emulator of the HP 50g, including Emu48+ 1.48 and everything you need to emulate the 50g, along with two emulator skins, one that looks like the 50g, and one that is a hypothetical "50gs". I have been using the 50GS version since 2013, a very nice and clean looking skin. You must be logged in to add your own comment.
It will introduce you to the most important features used for solving general math problems, show you many shortcuts, and identify common problems new users often encounter. In addition, it will point you to locations where more detailed information can be found.
ComfortBilt HP50 Series Pellet Stoves
Comfortbilt HP50 Pellet Stove has a more modern look than our traditional pellet stoves. With a very generous 47 lb. pellet stove hopper capacity, the HP50 can heat your home up to 2,200 square feet. With several pellet stove colors in the HP50, we're sure you will find the right pellet stove in the HP50
HP50G - HP Graphing Calculators
The HP50G is essentially a small update from the HP49G+ and hence materials are interchangeable. Link here to Mervin Newton's comprehensive guide to programming the HP49 and 50G. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates.