HP M24fw FHD Monitor - 规格 | HP® 支持 - HP Customer Support
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HP 24-inch FHD Monitor with AMD FreeSync Technology (2021 Model, M24fw ...
The New Definition of High Definition: This FHD monitor packs IPS technology for 178 degrees ultra-wide viewing angles, 99% sRGB color gamut for color accuracy, and AMD FreeSync to keep your eyes up to speed with your imagination.
HP M24fw 24 inch FHD (1920 x 1080) 75Hz Anti-Glare Monitor, …
Aug 2, 2021 · This FHD monitor feels as good as it looks, packing IPS technology for 178 degrees ultra-wide viewing angles, 99% sRGB color gamut for color accuracy, and Freesync to keep your eyes up to speed with your imagination. Monitor designed with sustainability in mind with 85% recycled materials and packaged in recycled materials.
- Reviews: 31
HP M24fw FHD Monitor Product Specifications | HP® 支持
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HP M24fw FHD Monitor - Setup and User Guides | HP® Support
[1] All specifications represent the typical specifications provided by HP's component manufacturers; actual performance may vary either higher or lower.
【惠普HP M24F参数】HP HP M24F显示器参数_规格_性能_功能 …
如出现产品质量问题或故障,您可查询最近的维修点,由厂商售后解决。 也可凭厂商维修中心或特约维修点所提供的质量检测证明,享受7日内退货,15日内换货。 超过15日又在质保期内,可享受免费保修等三包服务政策。 惠普显示器不同型号产品保修年限不同,以保修卡为准,可拨打客服电话具体查询。 进入官网>> 纠错.
Customize your display with easy, intuitive HP Display Center software that lets you tailor your settings, partition screens, and even dim the screen. HP Eye Ease with Eyesafe® Certi cation An always-on blue light lter that keeps your eyes comfortable with zero impact on color accuracy. Step up to the best
惠普(hp)显示器惠普(HP)M24fw报价_参数_图片_视频_怎么样_问答 …
苏宁易购提供惠普(hp)显示器惠普(HP)M24fw最新价格,包括优质商家报价、参数、图片、视频、问答、评价、怎么样等详细信息。 关注苏宁易购,为您购买惠普(HP)显示器 23.8英寸IPS屏 高性能娱乐家用办公纤薄机身 白色[M24fw]提供有价值的参考。
惠普 (hp)显示器M24FW报价_参数_图片_视频_怎么样_问答-苏宁易购
惠普(hp)23.8英寸 ips广视角 99%srgb广色域 三边微边 75hz刷新率 物理防蓝光 显示器 m24fw(带hdmi线)
HP M24fw 23.8 inch FHD Monitor
FHD display with IPS technology, 99% sRGB color gamut and Freesync. Slim profile, innovative cable containment, and seamless design for side-by-side screens. Easily personalize and adjust your display.
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