特种部队标配步枪:聊聊德国的“95式”—H&K G95k步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年1月4日 · HK416A7是德国黑科勒&科赫(H&K)公司HK416步枪的最新改进型,2017年,他被德军特种部队所采用,被定型为G95k。 其中G的意思是步枪(Gewehr),把G95k说成是德国95式虽然不甚准确,但是也表达了相同的意思。 今天我们就来聊聊这支德国“95式”的故事。 故事要从上世纪90年代讲起,当时德国KSK特种部队刚刚成立,选择武器成了亟待解决的问题之一。 最初KSK选择了和GSG9一样的G37步枪,也就是SG550系列一种短管型号SG551。 但是HK公 …
Meet the G95A1 & G95KA1 – the German Army's New Rifles
2022年12月20日 · Heckler & Koch have now released a statement and some photographs of the Bundeswehr’s new rifles. The new The ‘System Sturmgewehr Bundeswehr’ or Bundeswehr Assault Rifle System will be made up of two variants of the HK416 – the G95A1, with a 16.5 inch barrel and the G95KA1 carbine variant which will have a 14 inch barrel.
德军G95A1系列步枪计划近况 借用美军两大测试基地 排除潜在问题
2024年9月14日 · 德国特种部队现役的G95步枪,使用的标配瞄准系统是EOTech EXPS3全息瞄准镜,串联安装G33 3×倍率镜,倍率镜可以通过镜架偏转到一侧,从而实现1×和3× ...
2025年2月2日 · 目前,德国特种部队现役的G95步枪标配的是EOTech EXPS3全息瞄准镜,并串联安装了G33 3×倍率镜。 这个倍率镜独具特色,能够通过镜架轻松偏转到一侧,从而实现1×和3×两种视野的快速切换。
德国新型G95A1突击步枪在美国首次亮相 弥补此前遗漏的可靠性测 …
2024年9月14日 · 德国特种部队G95突击步枪的标准光学配置是非放大的EOTech EXPS3全息瞄准镜,搭配同一家公司的G33 1-3倍放大镜,安装在支架上,不用时可以将其翻转 ...
POTD: The G95 (HK416 A7) Rifle of German KSK
2021年10月3日 · Today we get a good look at the setup that the German KSK Special Forces are using on their not-so-black rifle. KSK is short for Kommando SpezialKräfte, or Special Forces Command. The KSK takes part in typical SOF operations and they are armed with the Heckler & Koch HK416 in the A7 / G95 configuration.
HK announced new MR27 (M27) and MR95 (G95) | HKPRO Forums
2021年10月29日 · Seems to be good news that a civil version of the MARINES M27 and the KSK G95 is coming out. Most important difference in the paper to a MR556/MR223 of the MR27 and MR95 is a different sized barrel. Rifle shall come out in 11 / 14.5" / 16" / 16.5" and 20" - Only the MR27 will be available with the 16" barrel, not the MR95.
POTD: The Heckler & Koch G95K | thefirearmblog.com
2021年8月15日 · Photo Of The Day, or the Heckler & Koch of the day, is the G95K. Here seen with German Special Forces KSK and a quick burst of 5.56mm NATO in the air. The Heckler & Koch G95K (HK416) has a barrel length of 14.5″. Optics are provided by EOTech. Watching the door from a helicopter.
Heckler-Koch HK-416 carbine / G95A1 assault rifle (Germany)
In late 2022 the German Ministry of Defense officially announced that the HK 416A8 assault rifle has been adopted as the new standard issue rifle for the Bundeswehr, under the official designation of G95A1 (standard rifle) and G95KA1 (short rifle).
Weaponsandhistory - HK G95
The HK G95 is the standard issue assault rifle for the German special forces. The G95 is the German military designation of the HK416A7 and it was adopted in 2019. The HK416 itself was came out in 2004 and has been known as a high quality top-notch assault rifle in use be countless special forces units and as a standard issue rifles for a ...