Hk usc .45 | Georgia Firearm Forums - Georgia Packing
2020年11月21日 · Hk usc .45 Jump to Latest 1.6K views 6 replies 6 participants last post by moe mensale Nov 24, 2020
2011年1月10日 · OD Green: USP .45, USP .40, USP .40 Compact and USP .45 Tactical; 500 of each Desert Tan: USP .45, USP .40, USP .40 Compact and USP .45 Tactical and the Mark 23; 500 of each They sold every one of them Suggested retail prices for the color-frame models are the same as the black-frame variations.
Hk USP 45 Tactical | Page 4 | Georgia Firearm Forums - Georgia …
2008年2月19日 · Holsters / Method of Carry ... Hk USP 45 Tactical
sold | Georgia Firearm Forums - Georgia Packing
2012年3月10日 · Advanced Search Cancel ...
45 acp for deer hunting | Georgia Firearm Forums - Georgia Packing
2012年2月13日 · The 45 that is approved for hunting (JHP) has a terrible BC and will fall out of the air before 200 yards. You could try using it as a mortor round, though. the .45 ACP is not an effective deer-killing round beyond 50 yards, and you cannot hold the typical 45 for that either....
Senator Moore Arrested | Georgia Firearm Forums - Georgia Packing
2025年1月16日 · Yes, that is the very next paragraph after the two I cited above. Basically, the way I read this, and I do not pretend to make a careful study of the subject, is that the legislature can discipline its members, even jail them, at least for the remainder of the legislative session, but the members are immune from outside law enforcement.
Repeat | Georgia Firearm Forums - Georgia Packing
2024年12月30日 · Rule 2.1 (again) Specifically... 2.1 - Minimum Requirement for Buyers/Sellers/Traders: Before being allowed to originate an advertisement or buy/sell/trade topic on the forum, Buyer/Seller/Trader must have at least 50 quality posts (quality means constructive posts, not posts which have only a simple emoticon, "+1" or other easy to post responses) OR been a member for 3 months.
Senator Moore Arrested | Page 2 | Georgia Firearm Forums
2008年7月20日 · 45_Fan said: Apparently house leadership viewed prior comments as inappropriate and likely vulgar. Getting into a fight with the Sargent in Arms over a lack of invitation is certainly disruptive.
GA HB1 | 2025-2026 - Pediatric Health Safe Storage Act
2025年1月14日 · First Reader Summary A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Part 3 of Article 4 of Chapter 11 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to carrying and possession of firearms, so as to establish the offense of making a firearm accessible to a child; to provide for definitions; to provide for exceptions and affirmative defenses; to provide for criminal penalties; to require ...
H&K SL8 to G36 Conversion | Georgia Firearm Forums - Georgia …
2012年9月17日 · General Discussion. Firearm Related