Windows 11 SDR Content Brightness - [H]ard|Forum
2020年8月6日 · So, SDR Content Brightness 0% is SDR reference white level 80 nits, 5% is 100 nits, 10% is 120 nits, 17% is 150 nits, 29% is 200 nits, 52% is 300 nits, and 100% is 500 nits. I'm curious if this formula works for your individual monitor. You can test it by doing the following: 1: Set up your SDR and HDR picture modes as similar as possible. You ...
My screen keeps dimming in HDR - [H]ard|Forum
2015年7月20日 · So I turned HDR on in display settings in Windows. Set SDR content to max brightness. All good. But damn screen suddenly decides to dim the brightness. It's driving me crazy. This did not happen when I had HDR turned off. I noticed it happens when I look at white backgrounds. How do I fix this...
HDR 1000 nits vs 400 nits - [H]ard|Forum
2010年4月14日 · HDR includes all the colors(and brightness is part of color) of SDR, plus a bunch, and DisplayHDR 400 monitors are for the mostpart just regular SDR LCDs with the ability to decode HDR metadata. To actually see the intense colors and bright highlights of HDR you need high brightness and to see the shadow detail you need high contrast(low black ...
How do your eyes not hurt from HDR? - [H]ard|Forum
2024年3月5日 · Not sure who would bother to use HDR for office work, that doesn't make much sense to me. HDR movies is great, HDR games sucked at first but have gotten much better over time. Seems like the oldest HDR games just think that HDR = maximum brightness so they were just pumping up brightness to the point that your screen is now operating in torch mode.
Expensive Wide Gamut HDR monitors and Oversaturation
2010年8月29日 · Monitors only use wide gamut when displaying HDR. When not displaying HDR they use SDR colour range. There is no problem with the displays. There was a problem with Windows 10 not compensating for the increased range of colours when enabling HDR on a none HDR desktop. The previous cure always existed, it was to not enable HDR on the desktop.
SDR content brightness slider for LG C2 in Win 11 - [H]ard|Forum
2003年5月31日 · Or is the Win 11 desktop SDR content and that slider setting matters cause even though I am in HDR mode, the desktop is SDR content? Right now I set that slider to 4 and also used custom resolution utility program to set my max luminance to 800nits. Just wanted to make sure adjusting that SDR content brightness setting was the correct thing to do.
Prevent SDR games from turning off HDR mode - [H]ard|Forum
2011年8月22日 · I want to ALWAYS run in HDR mode and ALL SDR content (including full-screen) mapped to HDR. Some games have an option to use "full-screen windowed" instead of "full-screen" mode and that works fine in HDR mode (CS GO is using this option by default, but if I choose "full-screen", the monitor switces to SDR mode). Old games always switch to SDR ...
NVIDIA RTX Video HDR on new 551.23 drivers! - [H]ard|Forum
2024年1月24日 · And I do not mean just washed out SDR video, that is normal because of the weird Piecewise Gamma that Windows uses for SDR content under HDR, but actually the browser is unable to show 0 level black. This is fixed by turning this HDR simulation on but it makes back and forth comparisons bit hard, especially if there are dark shadows involved.
HDR color problems in Windows 10 - [H]ard|Forum
2019年1月21日 · The desktop is rendered in SDR, and so when outputting HDR it maps it all wrong, looking horrible. The solution would be for Microsoft to render the desktop in HDR, but there's a giant problem: since HDR wasn't a thing until recently, color render values have just assumed that all whites where max value.
HDR? Why is everyone going completely bonkers for this?
2011年12月14日 · SDR is a limited (narrow) band, having a 1000nit HDR display doesn't push that same rendered band 2x to 3x higher like it would ramping up the brightness on a SDR screen. SDR brightness is relative, HDR uses a different system for brightness which uses absolute values.