HCO3 = CaCO3? - Homebrew Talk
2012年2月14日 · Maybe this is a silly question, but WTF?! If reports provide CaCO3, why does BeerSmith ask for HCO3? Wouldn't it make more sense to ask for the information that's provided?
Adding baking soda to the kettle to achieve HCO3 target?
2020年4月21日 · Since there really isn't a beer style HCO3 ppm target, the purpose of baking soda, or any source of HCO3, is solely to raise a low mash PH to the ideal mash PH - typically only needed for dark styles The amount of baking soda added to the mash should be based on what is required to hit the target mash PH.
Calculating HCO3- level from other parameters. - Homebrew Talk
2010年11月2日 · Ok, so it's been a little while since high school chemistry so I need a little help. I got a water profile from the town which had all of the necessary info to plug into Beersmith 2 except the HCO3-. What the report does include is two parameters which I …
Reducing HCO3 - Homebrew Talk
2017年5月28日 · I'm from Galveston Texas. I have two broad questions, but bear with some background information first: 2016 Water report: Ca 2+ 37 Mg 2+ 7 HCO3 - 127 SO4 2- 38 Na + 37 Cl - 51 pH 8.1 (their measurement) pH 7 (my presumably much less accurate measurement at the faucet) I only...
Very high bicarbonate in water, what to do? - Homebrew Talk
2020年11月18日 · Hi all, I just got a water analysis from the town council and entered the numbers into my software. It turns out that the HCO3 level is 397ppm. As I understand, that reduces the drop of PH while mashing. what else I've learner's is that a can 1. Dilute the water with distilled water (but won't...
Bicarbonate from Total Alkalinity - Homebrew Talk
2012年12月5日 · The head chemist with my municipality described bicarbonate content as "a fraction of total alkalinity" and that fraction is derived by molecular weight. To quote him from an email: "HCO3 (bicarbonate) is a fractional part of CaCO3 (units of the total alkalinity), by means of the molecular weights 100.086 to 61.016 (61.016/100.086 = 0.6096).
Quick and Dirty: "Historical" Guinness hardness?, my water 291 …
2017年8月24日 · It's quite a while since I last brewed Guinness to the well accepted 70:20:10 ratio, but always have a stiff mash with alkalinity preadjusted to between 70 and 100 ppm as CaCO3 using hydrochloric acid. Mash pH usually stabilizes near 5.3 and the acid increases the chloride ion content. I prefer brewing this with a chloride:sulfate ratio of 2:1. My water comes …
Total Alkalinity, CaCO3 as a function of Bicarbonate, HCO3
2010年5月27日 · My most recent Lab Wards report shows my Total Alkalinity, CaCO3 as 89, my Bicarbonate, HCO3 as 97 and my pH as 8.1. I had read that for pH under 8.3 Total Alkalinity, CaCO3 = 50/61 * Bicarbonate, HCO3. That does not hold true for my numbers. My report also lists Carbonate, CO3 as 6. Does...
brewing with very hard water - reducing bicarbonate
2019年7月27日 · HCO3- has a 'rounded' molecular weight of 61 and a valence of -1 CaCO3 has a 'rounded' molecular weight of 100, and its cation and anion components have valences of +2 and -2 respectively.
Bicarbonate? | Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider …
2022年8月3日 · The result will be the "Alkalinity" value to hit when tweaking the unknown Bicarbonate number. If the software Alkalinity is expressed "as CaCO3" but your report's alkalinity value is "as HCO3," divide your report value by 1.22. The result will be the "Alkalinity" value to hit when tweaking the unknown Bicarbonate number.