Hyundai HB20 - Wikipedia
The Hyundai HB20 is a subcompact car produced by South Korean manufacturer Hyundai Motor Company since 2012 in Brazil. It is the first and only Hyundai model strategically developed and produced exclusively for the Brazilian market.
Texas Legislature Online - 87 (2) Text for HB 20
Mar 12, 2025 · Version: Bill: Fiscal Note: Analysis: Witness List: Summary of Cmte Action: Introduced: House Committee Report: Engrossed: Senate Committee Report: Senate Amendments ...
Hyundai Hb20: Carros usados, seminovos e novos - Webmotors
Procurando por Hyundai Hb20 usados, seminovos e novos? Na Webmotors você encontra mais de 10279 anúncios. Confira!
Hyundai HB20 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hyundai HB20 is a subcompact car made by the South Korean company Hyundai Motor Company. It has been produced in Brazil since 2012 and was created specifically for the Brazilian market. The car is known for having a variety of flex-fuel engines, which allow it to run on different types of fuel, such as ethanol and gasoline.
HB20 Sedán 2025 - Hyundai México
El nuevo HB20 Sedán 2025 reúne toda la tecnología de punta y los aspectos de seguridad necesarios para disfrutar de una experiencia de manejo incomparable.
Hyundai HB20 1.0 T-GDI specs, quarter mile, performance data ...
2019 Hyundai HB20 1.0 T-GDI specs, quarter mile, performance data, top speed, engine specifications, pictures, updated June 2024.
Hyundai HB20 News and Reviews - Motor1.com
Get the latest on new Hyundai HB20 models including first drives, in-depth reviews, concept car photos, new features, recalls and more.
Texas House Bill 20 - Wikipedia
An Act Relating to censorship of or certain other interference with digital expression, including expression on social media platforms or through electronic mail messages, also known as Texas House Bill 20 (HB20), is a Texas anti-deplatforming law enacted on September 9, 2021.
Hyundai HB20, specifications
Hyundai HB20 — all generations and modifications of this model, specifications, data on fuel consumption, maximum speed. Total — 3 generation.
현대 HB20 - 나무위키
HB20 해치백에서 전고를 높히고 SUV 풍으로 꾸민 차종이다. 생긴 것과 다르게 4WD 옵션은 제공되지 않는다. 1.6ℓ 감마 가솔린 엔진 사양만 존재한다. 2016년형으로 페이스리프트 되면서 전면부가 i20 액티브 와 비슷한 디자인으로 변경됐다. 2018년 8월, 스파이샷이 포착됐고 2019년 9월에 공식 이미지가 공개됐다. SAGA EV 를 기반으로 컨셉트카의 디자인 …