H22A4 in 93 SI wont start - Honda Prelude Forum
ok guys i just go done swapping in a H22A4 into my 93 SI. im running the factory H23A1 wiring and sensors along with a P13 computer and a 98 H22A4 engine. ive got everything done just need to start... im getting fuel and spark, the dizzy is brand new, new coil, new plugs and wires, the timing is correct (ive checked it 3 times). it will crank ...
H22A Swap hELP - Honda Prelude Forum
wELL i just got a jdm h22a i want to run obd1 instaed of obd2 i got the ecu harness and the distrubitor harness as well. but will i take anything from my old engine from the h22a4 to the h22a? also do i have to use the harness of the h22a4 since the jdm engine harness is cut? anyone whos done it or knows can you guys help me out... the mechanic ...
My car runs without the ecu plugged in - Page 2 - Honda Prelude …
This guy seriously has some problems. My car runs without the ecu plugged in
Best way to hit 250-275 HP? - Page 2 - Honda Prelude Forum
Best way to hit 250-275 HP? Page 2 of 2 < 1: 2 LinkBack: Thread Tools: Display Modes #31
Cant shift unless car is off.. whats wrong? - Honda Prelude Forum
looked all over everywhere to find out what was wrong, but i just adjusted my knock sensor to pull my car OUT of limp mode. had to remove the intake
Serious need for info/advice: 2000 Prelude - Honda Prelude Forum
Hello, everyone. I have recently purchased my first Prelude (I'm pretty stoked about it), and have some questions.
Help! Is anything suppose to be here? - Honda Prelude Forum
Hi all, I recently painted my valve cover and now it wont start! I know it isn't the battery as i did use jumper cables and started it.
HELP ME WITH MY 4th GEN! - Honda Prelude Forum
I need to know motor this is and what car it was from i dont know! please help me!!!
what do you like / dislike about your 'lude ? - Page 2 - Honda …
I like everything about the 5th Gen prelude, but what really catches my eyes are the exterior bodylines, the diamond headlamps, And It's A 2 Door. and
To keep the Lude or not to keep..This is my question! - Honda …
Hey there everybody, kinda worn out not getting much sleep last night after getting really twisted but i want some opinions so i have some questions...