Prison Guards and 'Snitches' - Deviance Within a Total Institution
This study of the organized network of inmate informants in a Texas maximum security institution profiles the informants and describes the 'snitch' recruitment process, the types of intelligence …
PRISON GUARDS AND “SNITCHES” | The British ... - Oxford Academic
1985年7月1日 · Infoming was their actual prison work-role and the ordinary inmates lacked the influence and power to impute deviancy to the inmate-snitch role. The last section describes …
- 作者: James W. Marquart, Julian B. Roebuck
- 预计阅读时间:50 秒
- Publish Year: 1985
Why It's Actually Tough to Avoid Snitching in Prison
2018年7月19日 · Guards had been monitoring two lovers who routinely snuck into each other’s cells. This time, the duty sergeant arrived early enough to catch …
- 预计阅读时间:6 分钟
PRISON GUARDS AND "SNITCHES" back-up for the B.T.s by assisting in breaking up fights and quelling minor disturbances. As a reward for their services, runners enjoyed more mobility and …
Look Who’s Talking: The Snitching Paradox in a Representative …
2021年1月30日 · Everyone who is in the general population follow rules – I-60 [a form to make a request to a prison official], write down a note to the guards and snitch on you. The guards are …
- 作者: David C Pyrooz, Meghan M Mitchell, Richard K Moule, Scott H Decker
- Publish Year: 2021
To snitch or not to snitch, that is the question: Exploring the role …
2011年9月9日 · This paper investigates the role inmate informants play in detecting inappropriate prisoner–guard relationships. Data for this exploratory study were collected as part of a larger …
The Brutal Politics of Snitching in Prison - VICE
2018年7月20日 · Guards had been monitoring two lovers who routinely snuck into each other’s cells. This time, the duty sergeant arrived early enough to catch them with their clothes still on.
Ruling by Favors: Prison Guards' Informal Exercise of Institutional ...
2018年12月27日 · This ethnographic research addresses the control strategies employed by Norwegian guards in everyday interactions with inmates under institutional conditions in which …
Is There a Right Not to Snitch? - The Marshall Project
2018年8月6日 · You don’t really have a right to remain silent, for example, if you are granted immunity by a prosecutor or judge. You could be sent to jail for contempt of court if you don’t cooperate. But can prison guards punish you for …
Relationships between Inmates and Guards - Essay - 978 words
2024年9月5日 · However, if a prisoner refuses to snitch once an offense has been found by a prison guard, guards can sentence the refusing inmate to a long stint in solitary confinement, …