Growing Lavender From Seed - Dave's Garden
2014年2月5日 · Because lavender likes hot weather, a seed starting mat will help the seeds germinate more quickly. These special mats are waterproof and moisture resistant, and …
Lessons from a lavender farm: Growing, harvesting and using …
2008年11月6日 · As with many Mediterranean herbs, lavender likes a moderate climate. It will tolerate drought, so the 18 inches of annual rainfall in the central part of Whidbey Island's suits …
Georgia Gardening:Best Lavender for GA? - Dave's Garden
2008年6月9日 · I grow French lavender in raised planters in Atlanta and potted up in Cleveland. I tried it for years in a ground bed and it would start off great and then develop something that …
Beginner Gardening:Lavender in Tennessee - Dave's Garden
2001年11月15日 · Donnajo if you want to grow a lot of lavender your cheapest option would be to start it from seeds. Of course that would limit your choices on variety. Calendula & chamomile …
Grow Lavender for Summertime Blooms - Dave's Garden
2021年7月24日 · Many people plant their lavender on a berm or raised bed area to ensure that standing water isn’t possible. Mine is in an elevated bed this year and it looks better than it …
Propagation:Lavender from seed - Dave's Garden
2011年3月11日 · I sow English Lavender seeds directly to soil and it took 10 days for germination, and Spanish Lavender I did different way. I decided to soak it in lukewarm water over night …
Lavandula Species, English Lavender, True Lavender - Dave's Garden
I grow it both in Krapets, Bulgar...Read More It is excellent in both acid and alkaline soils, although it is most at home in alkaline soils. Ever since I started growing English Lavender, I …
Conventional Ground Plants You Can Grow in a Hanging Basket
2019年5月13日 · Dwarf Lavender. With a soothing scent and a well known essential oil, growing a hanging basket of lavender may be just what you need to make your garden a place of peace. …
What is best lavender to grow in Texas? - Dave's Garden
2009年4月10日 · Lavender require poor, quickly draining soil (like many Mediterranean herbs). would be perfect for a rock garden or alpine/desert garden. I had mine in soil that was too high …
Lavandula, Hybrid Lavender 'Goodwin Creek Grey' - Dave's Garden
This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: ... Goodwin Creek is a recommended lavender ...