Grok Academy | Learn to code from your browser
Grok Academy is your home for Digital Technologies education offering classroom-ready online and unplugged resources. Drawing on decades of experience in teaching digital technologies, we provide support through teaching resources, professional learning, and curriculum guidance.
About - Grok Academy
We’re a team of educators and software engineers who want to make coding fun for everyone. We are passionate about teaching the next generation the skills they need to become the creators of tomorrow.
Students | Grok Learning
Our courses are designed to give you a head start in learning to program. Whether learning in class or by yourself, we'll get you hacking on projects in no time!
Python for Beginners - Grok Academy
Learn to code with Python! Perfect for beginners of all ages.
Grok Academy
1. Add your school. It's best if you add your school to your account on Grok. Sometimes we can't give you access to the course you need until we know which school you're at.
Teachers - Grok Academy
We support teachers both in and out of the classroom. Request free teacher access for your professional development, and bring our state-of-the-art learning platform into your classroom.
Grok Academy
Online platform to learn and teach programming in the classroom. Created by educators for educators. Learn Python, HTML, CSS, embedded programming, and more.
Hour of Code | Grok Academy
Join over 1,000,000 Grokkers from around the world and do an hour of code! No experience required.
Teachers - Grok Learning
We support teachers both in and out of the classroom. Request free teacher access for your professional development, and bring our state-of-the-art learning platform into your classroom.
NCEA Level 1 Python | Grok Academy
Perfect for ākonga in Aotearoa New Zealand studying NCEA Level 1 Digital Technologies. Learn how to program in Python! This course is designed for ākonga in Aotearoa New Zealand studying NCEA Level 1 Digital Technologies with no prior experience with text-based programming.. NCEA Level 1 Python is aligned with the Subject Learning Outcomes for NCEA Level 1 Achievement …