Home - Emory Knoll Farms Emory Knoll Farms
As the nation’s leading supplier of plants for green roof systems since 1998, our accomplished horticulture team has more experience than any other nursery in the United States growing plants for successful green roof projects.
Plants - Emory Knoll Farms
As green roof specialists, we have tested hundreds of different plant species and offer extensive experience selecting the best plant solutions to work with a variety of site-specific roofing systems, soil mixes, environmental conditions, regions, and climates.
Knowledge - Emory Knoll Farms Emory Knoll Farms
With 10 Research & Development green roofs installed at Emory Knoll Farms to test plants, roofing systems, and soil mixes, we have the experience to know what makes a green roof thrive – and why.
About - Emory Knoll Farms Emory Knoll Farms
Today, green roof plants are the focus of our proud agricultural tradition. Since 1998, Emory Knoll Farms, Inc. has been the nation’s leading supplier of green roof plants in North America. We have more experience than any other nursery in the United States in green roof horticulture.
Our People - Emory Knoll Farms Emory Knoll Farms
Emory Knoll Farms is as much a living organism as the plants we grow! Our people bring a diverse range of backgrounds, core areas of expertise, and interests; and we openly embrace these differences to make the team we now have.
Green Roof FAQs - Emory Knoll Farms
An extensive green roof has low lying plants designed to provide maximum groundcover, water retention, erosion resistance, and respirative transpiration of moisture. Extensive green roofs usually use plants with foliage from 2 to 6 inches and from 2 to 4 inches of soil.
Green Roof Technology - Emory Knoll Farms
A green roof assembly consists of components designed to support the horticulture as well as components to help perform the traditional functions on a roof – waterproofing and channeling excess water towards the drains. These layers are identified as: The Roof Deck with insulation and waterproofing; Protection and moisture storage layer
Mixed Flats - Emory Knoll Farms
Pollinator-friendly mixed flats create an urban oasis for pollen, nectar, and larval sources on green roofs. Can be made region specific. The perfect supplement to our extensive mixed flat selections.
Plants Archive - Emory Knoll Farms
‘Pink Pepper’ is a tidy mounding plant, good for small spaces. It produces numerous soft pink flowers in Summer. Sold as bare root Bulbs. Allium ‘Summer Beauty’ A beautiful Allium variety with strong upright foliage showcasing vibrant green color and thicker leaves. Masses of light pink flowers. Allium cernuum
Phlox subulata - Emory Knoll Farms Emory Knoll Farms
This shade tolerant North American Native is a great species that provides year-round interest on a green roof. Foliage grows in a low mat featuring vibrant, dark green, needle-shaped leaves that resemble the foliage of coniferous evergreens.