- Green manuring is an economical and eco-friendly scientific approach to achieve more resilient and sustainable food production for agricultural systems.了解详细信息:Green manuring is an economical and eco-friendly scientific approach to achieve more resilient and sustainable food production for agricultural systems.journalijecc.com/index.php/IJECC/article/view/4177After reading this article you will learn about Green Manuring:- 1. Procedure of Green Manuring 2. Selection of Green Manure Crops 3. Principles of Green Manuring 4. Advantages 5. Disadvantages.www.soilmanagementindia.com/organic-manures/g…
Green Manure Approaches to Crop Production: A Synthesis
2006年3月1日 · A green manure (GM) is a crop used primarily as a soil amendment and a nutrient source for subsequent crops. Green manure approaches to crop production may improve …
- 作者: C. M. Cherr, J. M. S. Scholberg, R. McSorley
- Publish Year: 2006
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Green manure approaches to crop production may improve economic …
A Synthesis
A green manure (GM) is a crop used primarily as a soil amendment and a …
Green Manure - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The green manure plays a major role in sustainable crop production systems in the way of maintaining ecosystem services, improving soil health, soil productivity, high C sequestration …
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What Is Green Manure in Organic Farming? Definition in Agriculture
Encouraging adoption of green manure technology to produce
2023年5月29日 · First, moral norms of green manure, attitude towards green manure, perceived behavioral control on using green manure, and trialability of green manure are four key …
Meta-analysis of green manure effects on soil ... - ScienceDirect
2021年6月1日 · In northern China, green manure application during the fallow period can significantly improve soil quality in both the 0–20 cm and the > 20 cm soil layer. Green manure …
- 作者: Dengke Ma, Dengke Ma, Lina Yin, Lina Yin, Wenliang Ju, Xiankun Li, Xiaoxiao Liu, Xiaoxiao Liu, Xipin...
- Publish Year: 2021
Green manures can be used in fallow fields during the growing season to improve soil structure, add organic matter, prevent soil erosion, and provide weed control, all of which indirectly …
Green Manuring for Sustainable Agriculture | SpringerLink
2023年5月9日 · Green manure (GM) provides food and energy to the soil microbial community, allowing it to multiply quickly. Soil organisms decompose the green manure quickly and made …
Green Manuring: Procedure, Principles and Advantages
The production of green manures is limited by the plant food elements (plant nutrients) deficient in the soil. Leguminous green manure plants are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen. When the soil …
Ecological and Environmental Benefits of Planting …
2022年2月3日 · The use of organic manures, including green manure, is an important strategy to maintain and/or improve soil fertility for sustainable crop production. Green manure generally refers to crops that can provide fertilizer …
Green Manure for Sustainable Crop Production: A Review
2024年5月15日 · Green manuring is an economical and eco-friendly scientific approach to achieve more resilient and sustainable food production for agricultural systems.