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What if you can make Nitrogen on your own farm to save costs, grow more, prevent algae blooms, reduce shipping and pollution, and make more profit? With Green Lightnings …
Green Lightning uses plasma technology to create nitrogen fertilizer on the fly...
OUR SYSTEMS | Green Lightning
Developed to supply over 33,000 acres of corn a year with quality nitrogen. This unit is fully digital with control screens and safety systems. This allows you to not need a building for on-site …
FARMER SUPPORT - Green Lightning
How much actual nitrogen is in the product? The product from our machines is high in NO3 which is what the plant consumes directly, allowing the plant to need less. One gallon of our product …
OUR MISSON - Green Lightning
Our mission is to simplify the use of Nitrogen for farmers to have higher yields and higher profits...
NITROGEN CYCLE - Green Lightning
Green Lightning bypasses the extra step it takes for nitrogen to assimilate into the plant by producing a more bioavailable NO3 form.
BENEFITS OF GL WATER - Green Lightning
Will Green Lightning™ water improve plant health? Nitrate is the perfect form of nitrogen for all types of plants from algae to redwood trees. Depending on the application method chosen, …
GL VIDEOS - Green Lightning
Jonathan Tracey of Ontario shares his opinion on using Green Lightning on his multi crop operation in Essex county.
GET A QUOTE - Green Lightning
Get a quote now and learn how you can bring free nitrogen to your farm with our new farm tech - Green Lightning.
2024年11月29日 · Canada is the world’s largest exporter of canola, growing over 30% of the entire canola market in mainly five of their provinces. Green Lightning was fortunate to cover …