Gordon Gould - Wikipedia
Richard Gordon Gould (July 17, 1920 – September 16, 2005) was an American physicist who is sometimes credited with the invention of the laser and the optical amplifier. (Credit for the invention of the laser is disputed, since Charles Townes and Arthur Schawlow were the first to publish the theory and Theodore Maiman was the first to build a ...
Gordon Gould | Laser inventor, Optics pioneer | Britannica
Gordon Gould (born July 17, 1920, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died Sept. 16, 2005, New York) was an American physicist who played an important role in early laser research and coined the word laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation).
60年前的群雄逐鹿—激光发明的历程与启示 - 知乎
汤斯将MASER的工作交给一个叫James Gordon的博士生,经过三年的努力,世界上第一台MASER问世。 知之非难,行之不易 从1954年到1957年,MASER的技术突飞猛进,人们发明了用固体作为增益介质的MASER,比如用合适波长的光进行抽运,具有三能级结构的红宝石就可以实 …
被遗忘的激光发明者在专利战中兴起 - 世界科学
一位被人长期遗忘的专利申请人 G · 古尔德(Gordon Gould)为要求承认自己是激光的最早发明者而进行了二十年的斗争,目前似乎已接近成功、经过在专利诉讼案中还无明显先例的一系列史诗般的法律争执后,1977年10月11日,古尔德终于获得他认为是维护他长期争 ...
Gordon Gould, 85; Physicist Finally Got His Due for the Laser
2005年9月21日 · Gordon Gould, the prolific physicist who was widely credited with inventing the laser in a caffeine- and nicotine-fueled weekend in 1957, then spent 30 years persuading federal courts to uphold...
Gordon Gould - Lemelson
Gould, whose former specialty was classical optics, was doing research in microwave spectroscopy. One Saturday night, Gould was inspired "in a flash" with a revolutionary idea: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, or the "laser."
Gordon Gould Engineering Hall of Fame - Edison Tech Center
Gordon Gould. Pioneer of the Laser. Gordon Gould was born in New York City in 1920. Inspired by Thomas Edison, his ambition from childhood was to be an inventor.
2020年10月21日 · 他的名字叫戈登·古尔德(Gordon Gould )。 古尔德在第二次世界大战快结束时毕业于名校耶鲁大学,并获得光学和光谱学硕士学位,随后就去参加了 ...
Gordon Gould - Encyclopedia.com
Gordon Gould. 1920-American Physicist. Disputes over his patents claims have made Gordon Gould one of the most controversial figures in laser history. Notwithstanding these controversies, most of the American laser industry is or has been licensed under his laser patents.
站在巨人的肩膀上 --- 激光巨人传 - 激光制造网
2015年9月15日 · (Gordon Gould) 1920 - 2005,美国. 古尔德于1977年凭借光泵浦激光放大器获得美国专利。古尔德从1957年开始的实验室记录里包括了制造可行的激光器的第一篇文档。
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