What is larger? Graham's number or Googolplexian?
2016年12月18日 · A Googolplexian is defined as $10^{\text{Googolplex}}$. Intuitively, it seems to me that Graham's number is larger (maybe because of it's complex definition). Can anybody prove this?
algebra precalculus - Graham's number - Graham's number
2019年5月15日 · So the number is the following, imagine 'the largest number with a name' googolplexian, or 10 to the power of googolplex or with Knuth's notation $(10↑^2 4)↑2$. Imagine the number 10 to the power of googolplexian to the power of googolplexian to the power of googolplexian etcetera, repeat this for 10 to the power of googolplexian to the ...
combinatorics - Help me put these enormous numbers in order: …
Popular mathematics folklore provides some simple tools enabling us compactly to describe some truly enormous numbers. For example, the number $10^{100}$ is commonly known as a googol, and a googol...
Which is bigger: a googolplex or - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2019年10月29日 · $\begingroup$ @ViciCIT, in the second line I moved the numbers $9$ to $1$ from the right hand end of the product and paired them up with $92$ to $100$; in the third line I used the fact that the paired products are all at least $100$ while the rest of the terms are all at least $10$ (and most of them are quite a bit larger).
Super-fast growing function exceeding Graham's number
2018年2月18日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Comparing $\\large 3^{3^{3^3}}$, googol, googolplex
How to show that $\large 3^{3^{3^3}}$ is larger than a googol ($\large 10^{100}$) but smaller than googoplex ($\large 10^{10^{100}}$).
education - Is there a way of intuitively grasping the magnitude of ...
I'm about to prove that Graham's number is a number that is so big there is no way of intuitively grasping the magnitude of it, but in order to do this we must start with the very small and work our way up.
How to Calculate the Disk Space Required to Store Googolplex?
Given the googolplex number and that 1 gigabyte = 1 073 741 824 bytes. How would I calculate the amount of disk space required to store the googolplex number?
Graham's Number - Why so big? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2014年12月1日 · The question addressed by Graham's Number belongs to the branch of mathematics known as Ramsey theory, which is not at all hard to understand.
How do we compare the size of numbers that are around the size …
2016年1月7日 · When numbers get as large as Graham's number, or somewhere around the point where we can't write them as numerical values, how do we compare them?