Purchase a domain when you sign up for Google services
Full DNS control and domain management Even though we set up your domain for Google services, you still have full control over your domain’s DNS settings. You can access these settings to add support for non-Google services or to contact your domain host. You can easily reach your external domain host account via your Google Admin console.
Sign in to your Admin console - Google Domains Help
If your company is using a single sign-on (SSO) service with your Google account, then signing in to your account from admin.google.com sends you to a second sign-in page. From here, you sign in to your Admin console and other programs or services your …
Google Help
If you're having trouble accessing a Google product, there's a chance we're currently experiencing a ...
Can't sign up my domain for a Google service
You’re using the domain with another managed Google account that you own. If so, remove the domain from the other account. Contact us. If none of these applies, the previous owner of your domain might have signed up for a Google service. Fill out this form and the Support team will get back to you within 48 hours.
Connect your website to a domain registered through Google
If you signed up for Google Workspace with a domain you already owned, contact your domain registrar and web host for instructions. Step 1: Identify your domain registrar When you purchase a domain during Google Workspace sign-up, the domain is registered with one of the following registrars: Squarespace; GoDaddy; Enom; DomainDiscount24
Se connecter à la console d'administration - Aide Google Domains
Si vous avez accès à un compte administrateuradmin, vous pouvez vous connecter à la console d'administration Google. La console d'administration, disponible à l'adresse admin.google.com, permet aux administrateurs de gérer les services Google pour les membres d'une organisation.
Control API access with domain-wide delegation - Google Help
Ensure you have super admin privileges for your Google Workspace account. Review the domain-wide delegation best practices and best practices for using service accounts. Verify the list of API scopes needed by the app or service account. Check that the app or service account has an appropriately small scope of access.
Acheter un domaine lors de votre inscription aux services Google
Vos services Google seront alors automatiquement configurés pour ce domaine. Remarque : L'achat d'un domaine auprès de Squarespace facilite la prise en main de certains services Google. Cela n'a en revanche aucun impact sur votre position dans les résultats de recherche Google. À propos de l'achat auprès d'un partenaire À propos de ...
Chat Support Help - Google Help
Official Chat Support Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Chat Support and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Domain-wide delegation best practices - Google Help
Ensure that service accounts with domain-wide delegation have only the essential privileges needed to perform their intended functions. Do not give access to non-essential OAuth scopes. Host service accounts in dedicated Google Cloud projects. Ensure that service accounts with domain-wide delegation are hosted in dedicated Google Cloud projects.