Install the gcloud CLI | Google Cloud CLI Documentation
5 天之前 · This page contains instructions for choosing and maintaining a Google Cloud CLI installation. The Google Cloud CLI includes the gcloud, gsutil and bq command-line tools. For a list of gcloud CLI features, see All features.
gcloud CLI overview | Google Cloud CLI Documentation
5 天之前 · The Google Cloud CLI is a set of tools to create and manage Google Cloud resources. You can use these tools to perform many common platform tasks from the command line or through scripts and other automation.
Install the Google Cloud CLI
5 天之前 · After installation is complete, the installer gives you the option to create Start Menu and Desktop shortcuts, start the Google Cloud CLI shell, and configure the gcloud CLI. Make sure that you leave the options to start the shell and configure your installation selected.
Initialiser la gcloud CLI | Google Cloud CLI Documentation
Autorise la CLI gcloud à utiliser les identifiants de votre compte utilisateur pour accéder à Google Cloud, ou permet de sélectionner un compte si vous avez déjà autorisé l'accès.
Submit a build via CLI and API - Google Cloud
2025年2月28日 · This page describes how to start a build in Cloud Build manually using the Google Cloud CLI and the Cloud Build API. Before you begin. If you want to use the command-line examples in this guide, install the Google Cloud CLI. To build using the Cloud Build build config, create a build config file. To build using a Dockerfile, have your ...
How-to Guides | Google Cloud CLI Documentation
Authorize gcloud CLI tools to access Google Cloud. Configuring the gcloud CLI for use behind a proxy/firewall. Steps to give the Google Cloud CLI access to the internet from behind a corporate proxy or firewall. Managing gcloud CLI configurations. Create and manage gcloud CLI configurations. Managing gcloud CLI properties
Autentícate en Cloud Storage - Google Cloud
Google Cloud CLI. Cuando usas la CLI de gcloud para acceder a Cloud Storage, accedes a la CLI de gcloud con una cuenta de usuario, que proporciona las credenciales que usan los comandos de la CLI de gcloud.
gcloud CLI 개요 | Google Cloud CLI Documentation
Google Cloud CLI는Google Cloud 리소스를 만들고 관리하기 위한 도구 모음입니다. 이러한 도구를 사용하면 명령줄에서 또는 스크립트 및 기타 자동화를 통해 많은 일반적인 플랫폼 태스크를 수행할 수 있습니다.
사용 통계 | Google Cloud CLI Documentation
사용 통계에는 호출된 명령어, 걸린 시간, 오류가 발생했는지 여부, 기타 측정항목 등 익명처리된 Google Cloud CLI 도구 실행이 포함됩니다. 사용 통계에는 인수 값이나 개인 정보가 포함되지 않습니다.
Habilita las funciones de accesibilidad | Google Cloud CLI …
Instala Google Cloud CLI; Guías prácticas. Todas las guías prácticas; Instala la CLI de gcloud. Instalación recomendada; Otros métodos de instalación. Usa Docker. ... Canal de YouTube sobre tecnología de Google Cloud Se usó la API de Cloud Translation para traducir esta página. Página principal Documentación Cloud SDK ...