Air quality on Google - Google Maps Help
Air quality levels are calculated based on air quality stations measurements. We provide you with a map of all stations in your area to get a more comprehensive picture of the air quality information.
Air Quality Help - Google Help
Official Air Quality Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Air Quality and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Air quality on Google - Google Maps Help
To show the air quality at your location, Google applies its air quality model. If you're viewing air quality for a city, like 'weather in London', the resulting air quality reading can be for a location far away from you, like in the city centre.
Qualité de l'air sur Google - Aide Google Maps
Ces indices permettent d'identifier plus facilement le niveau de pollution et les éventuels risques associés. Les échelles d'évaluation de la qualité de l'air varient selon les pays et régions en fonction de la pollution et des conditions sanitaires locales.
Luftqualität auf Google - Google Maps-Hilfe
Google und die Station zeigen den gleichen dominanten Schadstoff (z. B. Ozon) an. Google zeigt jedoch einen Luftqualitätsindex (LQI) von 200 an, während die Station den Wert 150 anzeigt. Das kann daran liegen, dass sich Ozon im Laufe des Tages verändert.
How an Air Quality Index (AQI) near you is selected - Google Help
We provide you with a map of all stations in your area to get a more comprehensive picture of the air quality information. However, the air quality between the stations may vary, and the AQI level at the closest station to you doesn't necessarily reflect the AQI level at your specific location.
Qualità dell'aria su Google - Guida di Maps
Google riporta informazioni iperlocali rispetto al report peggiore di AirNow a livello di area. Google e Air Now presentano differenze nell'indice di qualità dell'aria (IQA).
Luchtkwaliteit op Google - Google Maps Help
Log in op Google Maps. Selecteer Regio kiezen in de locatiekop. Wijzig de locatie om de exacte locatie te gebruiken. Gegevensbron en nauwkeurigheid van het luchtkwaliteitsmodel van Google. We gebruiken een luchtkwaliteitsmodel op basis van een meerlaagse aanpak die fusieaanpak wordt genoemd.
Air Quality ヘルプ - Google Help
サービスを使用する際のヒントやチュートリアル、よくある質問に対する回答を閲覧できる、Google の Air Quality ヘルプセンター。
Jakość powietrza wyświetlana w usługach Google
Google podaje precyzyjne informacje z niewielkich obszarów, a AirNow informuje o najgorszej jakości powietrza z dużego obszaru. Google i AirNow inaczej obliczają indeks jakości powietrza (AQI).