AMPA受体 - 百度百科
AMPA受体是由GluR1-4 (GluRA-D) 4个 亚基 组成的四异聚体,其形成起始于 粗面内质网 各个亚基的合成,每个亚基都有1个大的 N端 、3个 跨膜区域 、1个形成孔的 发夹结构 和1个位于胞质侧的 C端 。
Specific roles of AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 (GluA1 ... - PubMed
In particular, several lines of evidence suggest that reversible phosphorylation of AMPAR subunit glutamate receptor 1 (GluR1, also referred to as GluA1 or GluR-A) plays a role in long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD).
GRIA1 - Wikipedia
GRIA1 (GluR1) is centrally involved in synaptic plasticity. Expression of the GluR1 gene is significantly reduced in the human frontal cortex with increasing age. [8]
谷氨酸受体 - 百度百科
在 大鼠 中通过 分子克隆技术,已发现5 种KA 受体亚型(GLUR5-7、KA-1、KA-2),利用 逆转录PCR 及 膜片钳技术 揭示:KA 受体是由同类的不同 亚基 组成的异质组合体。 亚基的组成对受体的功能和特性影响特别大,因为异质的KA 复合物中出现编辑的GLUR5 或GLUR6 会阻碍Ca2+的通透性。 细胞可能通过 RNA 编辑改变结构,达到调控通道的Ca2+流量。 这是通过 G-蛋白 偶联,调节细胞内 第二信使 的产生而导致代谢改变的谷氨酸受体,其可分为不同的8 个亚型mGLUR1-8, …
离子型谷氨酸受体:AMPA受体、NMDA受体和 Kainate 受体简介 …
AMPA 受体由四个序列高度同源且密切相关的基因组成。它们的相关产物 GluR1-GluR4 亚基以特定的比例和组合方式6 结合成四聚体,这决定了它们的通道功能。这些受体与许多其他细胞蛋白质一样,会发生 翻译后修饰 。这些修饰会影响蛋白质与蛋白质之间的相互作用 ...
AMPA receptor - Wikipedia
AMPARs are composed of four types of subunits encoded by different genes, designated as GRIA1 (also named GluA1 or GluR1), GRIA2 (also named GluA2 or GluR2), GRIA3 (Also named GluA3 or GluR3), and GRIA4 (also called GluA4 or GluRA-D2 ), which combine to form tetramers.
Neurosci Bull︱李云庆课题组揭示前扣带回内神经可塑性改变与慢 …
囊泡膜谷氨酸转运体1(vesicular glutamate transporter 1, VGluT1)是兴奋性突触传递所必需的,谷氨酸需要转运到突触囊泡内并在大脑皮层内进行胞吐释放,故VGluT1的表达量不仅能够代表谷氨酸的含量,而且能影响神经传递的功效 [7] 。 研究团队采用免疫组织化学双重染色和分子生物学方法,检测了在ACC中VGluT1的表达。 其中VGluT1和NeuN的双重免疫染色显示,在术后14天,与对照组(sham组)相比,TNBS组中VGluT1阳性的轴突终末数目较多,且与神经元接触 …
GRIA1 Gene - GeneCards | GRIA1 Protein | GRIA1 Antibody
Dec 25, 2024 · GRIA1 (Glutamate Ionotropic Receptor AMPA Type Subunit 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with GRIA1 include Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 67 and Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Recessive 76.
Specific Roles of AMPA Receptor Subunit GluR1 (GluA1) …
In particular, several lines of evidence suggest that reversible phosphorylation of AMPAR subunit glutamate receptor 1 (GluR1, also referred to as GluA1 or GluR-A) plays a role in long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD).
谷氨酸离子型受体 AMPA 型亚基 1(GRIA1)基因 | MCE
Glutamate receptors are the predominant excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in the mammalian brain and are activated in a variety of normal neurophysiologic processes. These receptors are heteromeric protein complexes with multiple subunits, each possessing transmembrane regions, and all arranged to form a ligand-gated ion channel.