  1. jarcode-foss/glava: GLava - OpenGL audio spectrum …

    • GLava is a configurable X11 application that displays audio spectrum visualizations using OpenGL. Learn how to compile, install, configure, and use GLava with PulseAudio, MPD, OBS, and more.… 展开


    •X11 (Xext, Xcomposite, & Xrender)
    •Linux or BSD
    •libBlocksRuntime if compiling with Clang
    Configuration to… 展开


    Some distributions have a package for glava. If your distribution is not listed please use the compilation instructions above.
    •Arch Linux glava package, or glava-git AUR package… 展开


    GLava will start by looking for an entry point in the user configuration folder (~/.config/glava/rc.glsl), and will fall back to loading from the shader installation folder (/etc/xdg/glava). … 展开

    Desktop window compatibility

    GLava aims to be compatible with most EWMH compliant window managers. Below is a list of common window managers and issues specific to them for trying to get GLava to behav… 展开

    Reading from MPD's FIFO output

    Add the following to your ~/.config/mpd.conf:
    Note the 22050 sample rate -- this is the reccommended setting for GLava. Restart MPD (if nesseca… 展开

  1. 推荐项目:GLava——打造个性化音频视觉盛宴 - CSDN博客

  2. 使用 GLava 在您的 Linux 桌面背景上嵌入音频可视化器(PPA 安装 …

  3. 使用 Glava 在桌面上显示音乐频谱! - Re:Linked

  4. Home · jarcode-foss/glava Wiki - GitHub

  5. 探索音乐与科技的交汇点:GLava 音频光谱仪 - CSDN博客

  6. Glava 开源项目教程 - CSDN博客

  7. Releases · jarcode-foss/glava - GitHub

  8. 使用 GLava(1.6.0 发布)使用音频可视化器为您的壁纸制作动画 – …

  9. Glava - Wikipedia