Mamoswine or glaceon? - Pokemon SoulSilver Version Q&A for …
2010年3月14日 · Glaceon and Mamoswine are opposites of each other in attacking, Glaceon has a 130 special attack and Mamoswine has a 130 in attack. Mamoswine is also slightly faster, …
Does Glaceon have potential? - Pokemon HeartGold Version Q&A …
2010年3月14日 · Glaceon's are placed for 130 Sp.Atk, 110 Defense, and 95 Sp.Def, making a Special Attacker/Physical Wall/Lesser Special Wall. Go for a Calm Nature and some HP EVs if …
Should I have Glaceon on my in-game team? - Pokemon Ultra Sun …
That Glaceon became one of my favorite and most reliable team members, which would have not happened had I waited until I completed the main story for the piss poor placement of that Ice …
How to get glaceon and or leafeon? - GameFAQs
2012年6月18日 · Have an Eevee with 91 attack and do anything in Nixtorm for Glaceon. Have an Eevee with 94 defence and do anything in Greenleaf for Leafeon.
whats the best nature for a glaceon - Pokemon SoulSilver Version
whats the best nature for a glaceon GregPSP26 14 years ago #1 I had one with a modest nature evs high on special attack with Ice beam, water pulse, hp flying , signal beam was good in the …
How do I get Leafeon and Glaceon? - GameFAQs
2010年3月14日 · You cannot get Leafeon or Glaceon in HG/SS because the items needed to evolve them do not exist in those games. You have to trade them to Diamond, Pearl or …
How do I evolve an evee to glacion and leafeon? - GameFAQs
2010年3月14日 · Trade Eevee to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. Leafeon, Glaceon, Magnezone, and Probopass can only be obtained in those games, not HeartGold/SoulSilver.
How do you make eevee evolve into Leafeon or Glaceon in HG/SS
2010年3月22日 · If you ask nicely on the trading boards (when you have Glaceon/Leafeon ready in Pearl), odds are that you'll find someone willing to help you. You'd need to trade your Eevee …
How do I evolve Eevee into Glaceon? - Pokemon Sun - GameFAQs
That's not what's meant by Eevee needing the ice rock to evolve. There's a frozen rock in Victory Road. Level Eevee up in there and it'll evolve into Glaceon. That's dumb. How am I supposed …
Is there a recommended level to evolve Eevee into Glaceon?
Moves Glaceon has missed because of late evolution can be learned by going to the move relearner at Pastoria or whatever his equivalent is in HG/SS, and the game doesn't care how …