Pricing | GitLab
GitLab Premium & GitLab Duo Pro — $19 for new small business customers Learn more
Why GitLab Premium?
With Advanced CI/CD and faster code reviews, GitLab Premium helps you build, maintain, deploy and monitor complex application pipelines better to deliver products faster.
価格 - GitLab
GitLab Premium & GitLab Duo Pro —新規のスモールビジネスのお客様は$19でご利用いただけます 詳しくはこちら
Why GitLab Ultimate?
GitLab Ultimate also allows for free guest user licenses to improve your license usage for users with minimal interaction with the system. Buy Ultimate now Learn about Premium Calculate the cost for your organization
Self-Managed Feature Comparison - GitLab
On this page you can view information on Self-Managed Feature Comparison for GitLab. View more!
Why upgrade to GitLab Premium?
Discover how GitLab Premium can help your team scale and accelerate innovation with features that improve code integrity, deployment efficiency, and collaboration.
Features by Tier - GitLab
This page is meant to showcase the features by Paid Tier across GitLab's Product Hierarchy.
Get GitLab Premium & GitLab Duo Pro for $19 | GitLab
Qualifying small businesses can get access to GitLab Premium and GitLab Duo Pro for $19 per user/month for one year. Criteria. New customer; Up to 250 employees and up to 20 licenses; Payment via credit card; GitLab Premium includes: Code Ownership and Protected Branches; Merge Requests with Approval Rules; Team Planning; Advanced CI/CD
New pricing for GitLab Premium
Effective April 3, 2023, GitLab is increasing the list price of GitLab Premium from $19 to $29 per user per month. Existing GitLab Premium customers will have a one-time transition price of $24 per user per month automatically applied to their upcoming renewals until April 2, 2024.
GitLab Premium Update
2023年4月3日 · A: GitLab announced a new pricing for GitLab Premium, effective April 3, 2023. This change applies to new GitLab Premium subscriptions starting on or after April 3, 2023. For existing GitLab Premium subscriptions (both SaaS and self-managed), this new pricing becomes effective at their next renewal that is on or after April 3, 2023.