Cloning a repository - GitHub Docs
You can also use the GitHub URL to clone a repository. gh repo clone https://github.com/PATH-TO/REPOSITORY On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.
リポジトリをクローンする - GitHub Docs
「git clone」と入力し、既にコピーした URL を貼り付けます。 git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY Enter キー を押してローカル クローンを作成します。
克隆仓库 - GitHub 文档
打开 终端 终端 Git Bash 。 将当前的工作目录更改为您想要存储克隆目录的位置。 键入 git clone,然后粘贴之前复制的 URL。 git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY 按 Enter 创建本地克隆。
Cloning a repository from GitHub to GitHub Desktop
You also can use GitHub Desktop to clone repositories that exist on GitHub. For more information, see Cloning and forking repositories from GitHub Desktop.
Clonar um repositório - GitHub Docs
Você também pode usar o URL do GitHub para clonar um repositório. gh repo clone https://github.com/PATH-TO/REPOSITORY Em GitHub, acesse a página principal do repositório.
Clonage d’un dépôt - Documentation GitHub
Quand vous créez un dépôt sur GitHub, il existe en tant que dépôt distant. Vous pouvez cloner votre dépôt pour créer une copie locale sur votre ordinateur et effectuer une synchronisation entre les deux emplacements.
About remote repositories - GitHub Docs
When you git clone, git fetch, git pull, or git push to a private remote repository using HTTPS URLs on the command line, Git will ask for your GitHub username and password. When Git prompts you for your password, enter your personal access token.
리포지토리 복제 - GitHub Docs
GitHub URL을 사용하여 리포지토리를 복제할 수도 있습니다. gh repo clone https://github.com/PATH-TO/REPOSITORY GitHub에서 리포지토리의 기본 페이지로 이동합니다.
Cloning and forking repositories from GitHub Desktop
You can clone or fork a repository with GitHub Desktop to create a local repository on your computer. You can create a local copy of any repository on GitHub that you have access to by cloning the repository.
Clonar un repositorio - Documentación de GitHub
Puedes clonar un repositorio desde GitHub.com a tu equipo local para que sea más fácil corregir conflictos de combinación, agregar o quitar archivos e insertar comentarios más grandes. Cuando clonas un repositorio, copias el repositorio de GitHub.com en tu máquina local.