  1. 乔瓦尼·卡博托
  2. Copilot 答案
    逝世1498年–1501年 · 不详
    你有没有想过谁是自维京人以来第一个探索北美海岸的欧洲人?答案是约翰·卡博特(John Cabot),他是一位意大利航海家和探险家,在15世纪后期在英格兰亨利七世的委托下航行。
    Name and origins

    Cabot is known today as Giovanni Caboto in Italian, Zuan Caboto in Venetian, Jean Cabot in French, and John Cabot in English. This resulted from a once-ubiquitous European tradition of nativizing names in local d… 展开

    Early life

    Cabot may have been born slightly earlier than 1450, which is the approximate date most commonly given for his birth. In 1471 Cabot was accepted into the religious confraternity of the Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evang… 展开


    Cabot sought financing and royal patronage in England, in contrast to Columbus' expeditions being financed mainly by the Spanish crown. Cabot planned to depart to the west from a northerly latitude in search of a … 展开


    Cabot went to Bristol to arrange preparations for his voyage. Bristol was the second-largest seaport in England. From 1480 onward it had supplied several expeditions to look for the mythical Hy-Brasil. According to … 展开