Gila Trout - Arizona Game & Fish Department - AZGFD
The Gila trout is one of Arizona’s two threatened native trout species and is also found in New Mexico. Dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins have a white to yellowish tip that may extend along the leading edge of the pelvic fins.
Gila Trout: All You Need To Know - Trout Unlimited
On May 1, 2021, Arizona Department of Game and Fish reopened angling opportunities for Gila trout on Dude Creek near Payson, Ariz. Gila trout have been made a registered species for completion of the Western Native Trout Challenge in Arizona.
Gila Trout – Western Native Trout Initiative
Gila Trout have been restored as a sport fishery to four reservoirs and one stream in Arizona, and in New Mexico there are currently 4 streams where you can catch a wild Gila Trout: Black Canyon, Willow Creek, Mineral Creek, and Mogollon Creek.
Gila trout - Wikipedia
The Gila trout is native to tributaries of the Gila River in Arizona and New Mexico. The Gila trout is found historically in the Verde and Agua Fria drainages in Arizona. A note in the archives of Aldo Leopold, dated 1923, contains anecdotal evidence of a native trout in Tonto Creek, AZ.
Arizona Fly Fishing: Gila Trout - Arizona Wanderings
2016年2月29日 · Thanks to the work of Trout Unlimited and the Arizona Game and Fish Department, there is now a wild fishable population of Gila trout back in Arizona, and efforts continue to be made to stock Gila trout back in their native drainage.
Oncorhynchus gilae Gila Trout - Arizona Game & Fish Department
The Arizona Wildlife Conservation Strategy is a comprehensive conservation framework that guides on-the-ground conservation of Arizona's fish and wildlife resources.
The Gila trout (Oncorhynchus gilae) is endemic to mountain streams in the Gila, San Francisco, Agua Fria, and Verde River drainages in New Mexico and Arizona. Although Gila trout had been known in the upper Gila River basin since at least 1885, the species was not described until 1950, by which time its distribution had been dramatically reduced.
Gila Trout Recovery | Arizona Wildlife Conservation Strategy
Gila Trout are one of two species of trout native to Arizona. The species historically occurred in streams in the Agua Fria River, Verde River, Tonto Creek, Upper Gila River, and the San Francisco River in Arizona and New Mexico.
Where can I find Gila trout in Arizona? - Safe Harbor Fishing
2023年5月24日 · Currently, two Gila trout recovery streams in Arizona (Dude and Grapevine Creeks) are open to seasonal catch-and-release only angling regulations. However, Gila trout in the East Verde River, Frye Mesa Reservoir, Watson Lake, Lynx Lake, and Goldwater Lake can be angled year round.
Gila Trout of Desert Mountains - Game & Fish
2020年6月15日 · Gila trout have a distinctive yellow hue. They are mainly confined to small, high-mountain streams and eagerly take dry flies. (Photo by Ron Dungan) The trout were exactly where you would expect them to be—under cut banks, in plunge pools and behind rocks—but each one was special.