  1. Geophagus Surinamensis (Red-Striped Eartheater): …

    • Learn how to keep the Geophagus surinamensis, a peaceful and colorful cichlid that eats sand and gravel. Find out its origin, size, diet, tank mates, breeding, and more.… 展开

    Geophagus surinamensis Temperature

    The temperature of the Geophagus Surinamensis is mostly between 76.0 to 84.0 degrees Fahrenheit, which is about 24 to 29 degrees Celsius. Since they have been found in w… 展开

    Fish Laboratory
    Geophagus surinamensis Size

    As pointed out at the onset of this article, it may take about 2 to 3 years for a Red-striped Eartheater to achieve its full size. However, on average, red-striped eartheaters can … 展开

    Fish Laboratory
  1. Geophagus Surinamensis is a South American cichlid that can grow to 12 inches. Redstriped Eartheaters get their name from their habit of sifting sand and gravel with their mouths to find food.
    Geophagus Surinamensis is a South American cichlid that can grow to 12 inches. Redstriped Eartheaters get their name from their habit of sifting sand and gravel with their mouths to find food.
    蘇里南珠母麗魚 (学名: Geophagus surinamensis),為 輻鰭魚綱 鱸形目 隆頭魚亞目 慈鯛科 的其中一 種,分布於 南美洲 蘇利南 的 薩拉馬卡河 、 蘇利南河 及 法屬圭亞那 的 馬羅韋納河 流域,體長可達14.8公分,棲息在沙泥底質的河川中底層水域,屬雜食性,生活習性不明,可作為觀賞魚。 种名 surinamensis 意为“ 苏里南 的”。
    Geophagus surinamensis can reach a length of about 25 to 30 cm. This fish has beautiful blue, green, and red iridescent colors. Their common name is Red Striped Eartheater.
    Geophagus surinamensis is a fish living as a couple or in a group naturally found on the bottom. This species is omnivorous with carnivorous tendency .
  2. Geophagus Surinamensis (Red Striped Eartheater): …

    2024年10月11日 · Discover how to take care of a Geophagus Surinamensis, a Peaceful South American Cichlid That Sifts Sand And Gravel For Its Food.

  3. Geophagus surinamensis - Redstriped Eartheater

    2011年9月4日 · Geophagus surinamensis can reach a length of about 25 to 30 cm. This fish has beautiful blue, green, and red iridescent colors. Their common name is Red Striped Eartheater.

  4. 蘇里南珠母麗魚 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

  5. Geophagus Surinamensis – Amazing Facts You Need …

    2022年9月10日 · Learn about Geophagus Surinamensis, a peaceful cichlid that digs for food and has neon markings. Find out how to keep, feed, and breed them in aquariums with compatible tank mates.

  6. Red Striped Eartheater Care: Complete Guide for …

    2023年6月21日 · Learn how to care for Red Striped Eartheaters (Geophagus Surinamensis), a colorful and peaceful fish species from South America. Find out their tank setup, water requirements, diet, breeding, and more.

  7. 红珍珠关刀 - 百度百科

    红珍珠关刀(Geophagus surinamensis),产自亚马逊河,属于食土鲷属。 多在中下层水域活动,喜好挖掘底土,故又称食土鲷。 银蓝色的身体上点缀着细小的红色斑点,各鳍有红色色泽,成鱼体长约25cm。

  8. Geophagus Surinamensis: A Comprehensive Guide to Care, …

  9. 9 Types Of Geophagus (With Pictures)

    2024年4月28日 · Geophagus surinamensis is a large eartheater with a very restricted distribution range in the northeast of South America. Many mislabeled eartheaters are sold as Geophagus surinamensis, although this species is …

  10. Red Striped Eartheater (Geophagus surinamensis) …

    Learn how to keep Geophagus surinamensis, a red-striped eartheater, in a 55 gallon tank with sandy bottom and hardy plants. Find out about its diet, breeding, temperament, and availability for sale.