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Chemical and isotopic fractionation during melt inclusion formation
2025年2月12日 · Melt inclusions are used to study the origin and evolution of magmas. The extent to which they represent equilibrium melt compositions, however, critically hinges on the ratio of …
An asymmetric Late Cretaceous back-arc basin south of Tibet?
2025年2月7日 · The Indus-Yarlung suture zone (southern Tibet) between the Indian plate−derived Tibetan Himalaya and the Asian continental crust intruded by the Gangdese magmatic arc of …
FAQ | GeoScienceWorld
Q: What is GeoRef? A: GSW is powered by GeoRef, the most authoritative abstracting and indexing database in the geosciences. The GeoRef integration is essential to providing the …
Germanium oxidation state and substitution mechanism in Ge-rich ...
2025年1月9日 · Sphalerite is a crucial host mineral for germanium (Ge) resources worldwide. However, the oxidation state (+2 or +4) of Ge and its substitution mechanism in sphalerite …