GCaMP - Wikipedia
GCaMP is a genetically encoded calcium indicator (GECI) initially developed in 2001 by Junichi Nakai. [1] . It is a synthetic fusion of green fluorescent protein (GFP), calmodulin (CaM), and M13, a peptide sequence from myosin light-chain kinase. [2] .
什么是GCaMP6f?钙离子成像技术。 - CSDN博客
Jun 22, 2022 · GCaMP6f是一种基因编码的钙离子指示剂,常用于监测神经元活动。相较于GCaMP3,GCaMP6f的灵敏度提高了10倍,动力学快2倍,特别适用于检测快速钙信号变化。GCaMP6系列包括GCaMP6s、6m和6f,分别对应不同的动力学特性,其中GCaMP6f以它的高速响应和高灵敏度而被广泛使用。
钙成像实验怎么操作?钙成像技术应用案例 - 知乎
GCaMP6是一种超灵敏的荧光蛋白,可以特异高效地反映细胞内游离Ca2+浓度的变化。GCaMP6荧光蛋白可以作为一种超敏Ca2+探针,用于研究生理和病理情况下外界因素对活细胞内Ca2+的影响。 100-150 ms,GCaMP6s;75-100 ms,GCaMP6m;50-75 ms,GCaMP6f. 参考文献
Fast and sensitive GCaMP calcium indicators for imaging neural
Mar 15, 2023 · The GCaMP6 (ref. 5) and jGCaMP7 (ref. 6) sensors enable detection of single action potentials (APs) under favourable conditions and are often used to monitor the activity of large groups of ...
Ultrasensitive fluorescent proteins for imaging neuronal activity
Jul 17, 2013 · Fluorescent calcium sensors are widely used to image neural activity. Using structure-based mutagenesis and neuron-based screening, we developed a family of ultrasensitive protein...
Gcamp6的工作原理是什么? - 知乎
Jul 28, 2015 · GCamp是 钙指示剂,为啥结合谷氨酸会发光。 GCamp由 CaM,cpEGFP和M13组成,钙离子存在时与CaM结合使得CaM与M13发生构象变化,这样的变化也牵扯cpEGFP构象发生变化,进而导致荧光强度发生变化。 绿色是 GFP结构 恢复后发的光. 在结合谷氨酸盐之后就会发光,那么绿色是本身的荧光蛋白结构发的光还是其他颜料的颜色?
小布tips | 钙离子指示剂选用指南 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Ultrasensitive fluorescent proteins for imaging neuronal activity
Jul 18, 2013 · Fluorescent calcium sensors are widely used to image neural activity. Using structure-based mutagenesis and neuron-based screening, we developed a family of ultrasensitive protein calcium sensors (GCaMP6) that outperformed other sensors in cultured neurons and in zebrafish, flies and mice in vivo.
rAAV-CaMKIIa-Gcamp6f - 布林凯斯(深圳)生物技术有限公司_布 …
特点: GcaMP6 是一种超灵敏的荧光蛋白,可以特异高效地反映细胞内游离Ca2+浓度的变化,在活体下,对单个动作电位诱发的钙信号,GCaMP6 比GCaMP3强10 倍,动力学快2 倍。
Genetic Reporters of Neuronal Activity: c-Fos and G-CaMP6
GCaMP6 expression can be selectively targeted to neuronal populations of interest, and potentially thousands of neurons can be captured within a single frame, allowing the neuron-by-neuron reporting of circuit dynamics on a scale that is difficult to capture with electrophysiology, as long as the populations are optically accessible.