Gautam Buddha University, established by the Uttar Pradesh Act (9) of 2002, commenced its first academic session at its 511 acres lush green campus at Greater Noida in August 2008. The …
The Abhivyanjana fest organized by Gautam Buddha University lays an utter justice to the term Abhivyanjana itself, which means to express ideas in a peculiar yet diversied way, and to put a …
University School of Management (USOM) at Gautam Buddha University offers an exciting and conducive academic and research environment for the growth of individuals. With its focus on …
Gautam Buddha University has 455 acres of lush green campus with the built up area of 8,000,000 sq.ft at Greater Noida. The fully residential campus is modelled in line with the best …
Dr. Aarti Gautam Dinker Assistant Professor. University School of Information and Communication Technology Department of Computer Science & Engineering