GARNISH中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Garnish the dish with parsley before serving. 这道菜端上桌之前,上面配些欧芹点缀一下。 Parsley and/or chopped green onions are common garnishes. They are garnished with capers or olives and accompanied by potato chips. They all omit bitters and none of …
GARNISH Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
To garnish something is to decorate it, embellish it, give it that extra bit of culinary or designer flair—say, a sprig of parsley or a string of garland. In decidedly different contexts, however, to …
Garnish (cooking) - Wikipedia
A garnish is an item or substance used as a decoration or embellishment accompanying a prepared food dish or drink. [1] . In many cases, it may give added or contrasting flavor. Some garnishes are selected mainly to augment the visual impact of the plate, while others are selected specifically for the flavor they may impart. [2] .
GARNISHING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
GARNISHING definition: 1. present participle of garnish 2. to decorate food with a small amount of different food: 3. to…. Learn more.
garnishing是什么意思_garnishing的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_ …
Poach the broccoli as the plate garnishing. To serve with ginger and vinegar. 将西兰花灼熟,以作拌碟,吃时可淋上姜蓉醋. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供garnishing的中文意思,garnishing的用法讲解,garnishing的读音,garnishing的同义词,garnishing的反义词,garnishing的例句等英语服务。
GARNISHING在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 - Cambridge …
GARNISHING的意思、解释及翻译:1. present participle of garnish 2. to decorate food with a small amount of different food: 3. to…。 了解更多。 词典
garnish是什么意思_garnish的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在 …
Garnish by floating a lime slice or drop in a lime twist. 饰以莱姆皮或置入螺旋状莱姆皮. Combine herbs and scallions , set aside half for garnish. 在一边联合药草和青葱, 组合装饰的一半. Garnish with parsley. Serve warm, with the aioli on the side. 把蒜容蛋黄酱盛在四个碗里摆在旁边, 趁热沾酱食用. Stir with crushed ice. Strain into snifter glass. Garnish with a cherry.
garnishing是什么意思,garnishing中文翻译,garnishing怎么读 …
garnishing 常见例句(双语使用场景) 1、Bill: They're garnishing my wages? What for? ─── 他们扣发了我的工资?为什么啊? 2、Finely chop the reserved dill leaves and keep the rest for garnishing. ─── 将保留下来的刁草叶剁碎,以备装饰。
garnished - 搜索 词典
A cocktail made with vodka or gin, sweetened lime juice, and sometimes effervescent water and garnished with a slice of lime. 伏特加 杜松 子 鸡尾酒 一种 由 伏特加 和 杜松 子 酒 制成 的 鸡尾酒, 加入 柠檬 汁 使 之 甜 些, 并且 有时 加入 苏 打水 并 饰 以 一片 柠檬。 2. You 'll get a pile of noodles with a generous dollop of minced beef in sauce, garnished with scallions and cilantro.
GARNISHING 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Online Dictionary
Food that is added to a plate for decoration...。 点击查看英语发音、例句和视频。
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