Gtk – 4.0: Getting Started with GTK
GTK is a widget toolkit. Each user interface created by GTK consists of widgets. This is implemented in C using GObject, an object-oriented framework for C. Widgets are organized in a hierarchy. The window widget is the main container.
4.0 - GTK
Determines how GTK handles the sensitivity of various controls, such as combo box buttons. ShortcutScope Describes where GtkShortcut s added to a GtkShortcutController get handled.
Gtk – 4.0: Overview
GTK: The GUI toolkit, containing UI elements, layout managers, data storage types for efficient use in GUI applications, and much more.
4.0: Widget Gallery - GTK
Reference for Gtk-4.0: Widget Gallery. API Version: 4.0. Library Version: 4.18.2. Generated by gi-docgen 2025.4
Gtk – 4.0: Preparing for GTK 5
GTK 5 will be a major new version of GTK that breaks both API and ABI compared to GTK 4.x. GTK 5 does not exist yet, so we cannot be entirely sure what will be involved in a migration from GTK 4 to GTK 5. But we can already give some preliminary hints about the likely changes, and how to prepare for them in code that is using GTK 4.
Gtk – 4.0: Migrating from GTK 3.x to GTK 4
GTK 4 is a major new version of GTK that breaks both API and ABI compared to GTK 3.x. Thankfully, most of the changes are not hard to adapt to and there are a number of steps that you can take to prepare your GTK 3.x application for the switch to GTK 4.
Gtk – 4.0: Building GTK
Installed builds of GTK should always have introspection support. build-testsuite. If you want to run the testsuite to ensure that your GTK build works, you should enable it with this option. build-tests, build-examples, build-demos. By default, GTK …
4.0: The Node file format - GTK
GTK includes the gtk4-node-editor application for creating such test files. The format is a text format that follows the CSS syntax rules . In particular, this means that every array of bytes will produce a render node when parsed, as there is a defined error recovery method.
4.0: Overview of the drawing model - GTK
This chapter describes the GTK drawing model in detail. If you are interested in the procedure which GTK follows to draw its widgets and windows, you should read this chapter; this will be useful to know if you decide to implement your own widgets.
This function is used to initialize a GTK test program. It will in turn call g_test_init() and gtk_init() to properly initialize the testing framework and graphical toolkit. It’ll also set the program’s locale to “C”.