GPS Visualizer:
GPS Visualizer is an online utility that creates maps and profiles from geographic data. It is free and easy to use, yet powerful and extremely customizable. Input can be in the form of GPS data (tracks and waypoints), driving routes, street addresses, or simple coordinates.
GPS Visualizer: Draw a map from a GPS data file
GPS Visualizer can read GPS data files (tracklogs & waypoints), street addresses, or simple coordinates, and plot them on Leaflet maps or Google Maps.
GPS Visualizer: Assign DEM elevation data to coordinates
GPS Visualizer's map, profile, and conversion programs have the ability to instantly add elevation data from a DEM (digital elevation model) database to any type of GPS file. Available DEM sources include NASADEM, NED/3DEP, SRTM3, and ASTER.
Convert your GPS data for use in Google Earth - GPS Visualizer
This form will import your GPS data file (e.g., GPX), or plain-text data (tab-delimited or CSV), and create a KML file that you can view in the Google Earth application or import into Google's "My Maps"/"My Places" system.
Convert a GPS file to plain text or GPX - GPS Visualizer
GPS Visualizer's free conversion utility can create GPX files or plain text from GPS data in any format.
GPS Visualizer: Freehand Drawing Utility: Draw on a map and save …
This map was created using GPS Visualizer's do-it-yourself geographic utilities. Please wait while the map loads...
GPS Visualizer Help
GPX and plain-text (e.g., CSV) files can contain "routes" in addition to tracks and waypoints. Usually, a route is a simply list of existing waypoints. GPS Visualizer can handle these routes in a variety of ways: Do not display routes or routepoints: The routes will be ignored completely.
GPS Visualizer: Web interface to GPSBabel
GPS Visualizer's utility has these advantages: a simpler interface; the ability to add estimated elevation (via SRTM and USGS data), speed, course, slope, and/or distance fields; and CSV or tab-delimited text output which is more user-friendly than GPSBabel's.
About GPS Visualizer
GPS Visualizer is do-it-yourself mapping, for both beginners and power users. Its strengths are its simplicity and flexibility in terms of input, and its enormous number of options regarding the output.
GPS Visualizer Atlas: …
This map was created using The Atlas @ GPS Visualizer. Please wait while the map data loads...