Differences between GP60M cab and later EMD safety cabs
Santa Fe's GP60M's had a unique version of the wide nose comfort cab, a 2-window refinement of the 3 and 4-window Canadian versions. EMD continued to refine the comfort cab after the GP60M order was filled, eventually producing a "standard" comfort cab that appeared on just about all domestic and Canadian EMD's up until a year or two ago.
Model Railroading > Fox Valley GP60/GP60M report
I picked up my 8 today. As a 1990's era ATSF modeler I have longed for a quality model of the GP60M and 60B. Straight outta the box I was impressed. Truck detail was pretty good, comparable with Atlas. Paint is great. Lettering is spot on. Handrails are nicely done, look a little more robust than the Athearn stuff.
Western Railroad Discussion > new BNSF GP60M-3s
From the Loconotes list: Wabtec overhaul rebuilds at MPI: Are shown at GP60M-3 139-142-144-145-153-154-157-159
Eastern Railroad Discussion > Conrail GP60M's - Trainorders.com
IIRC, the CR order was to be a mix of GP60M's and SD70MAC's, but ended up being set at 30 SD80MAC's, including the two prototype SD80MAC's, instead of the 50 unit mix of the other two models. I would have loved to have seen the GP60M's in CR blue. The SD70MAC's ended up coming because of the merger anyway, along with SD70 spartan cab locos.
Western Railroad Discussion > GP60M Horn - Trainorders.com
I can't believe I am asking this question but, what type of horn do the GP60m's have. I can't seem to remeber to save my life. I also can't find it on the internet. Thanks in advance.
MAERSK GP60M locomotive - Trainorders.com
The GP60M that was used many years ago was quickly repainted into Warbonnet colors.
Making peace with ex-ATSF Warbonnet GP60M-3’s
For the past several years, we Southern California railfans had the good fortune of having most of the ex-Santa Fe warbonnet GP60M’s working in local service. Like the old saying goes “nothing lasts forever” and during the last couple of years these units were gradually cycled out for upgrading into GP60M-3’s.
The GP60M: A Classic, or Just Plain Ugly??? - Trainorders.com
The GP60M was created specificly for the Santa Fe. Off-set headlight gave it character. ABBA set of these GP60's in the classic red amd silver was a special thing to see. I remember seeing them cross Colorado Blvd in Pasadena with the HOT 198 train in the early 1990's. Beautiful! GP60M, GP60B, and straight GP60's are all rated at 3800 horsepower.
Athearn RTR GP60M/B's Officially Announced! (Link)
of my Athearn GP60M/GP60B pair that I did 6-7 years ago. These have GP50 mechanisms & frames and RPP GP60M shell - the B is a hybrid GP50 long hood/GP9 short hood shell with dynamic brake housing moved from the long hood to the shorty end. I commend Athearn for hitting another homer in their Genesis series.
Adding working ditch lights to an Athearn GP60M - Trainorders.com
I have a couple of Athearn RTR BNSF GP60M's. They come with molded on ditchlights that sit on the front walkway above the anticlimber. Has anyone added working lights, and if so, how did you do it? I know how to set us a DCC decoder, but I am wondering how to install the bulbs. Al