網絡潮語大檢閱 GG、FF 甚麼意思? - TOPick
2016年6月17日 · 不過「GG」一詞當初其實是解作「Good Game」,起源於電競比賽,對戰後一方明顯勝出時,敗方就會打出「GG」,稱讚對方「Good Game」,有風度地表示認輸。不過大眾卻誤會了是解作「Game Over」,漸漸約定俗成解作「完蛋了」,甚至台灣媒體亦廣為採用 …
Add more franchises - GG.deals Community
Aaaand I moved your most recent post too 😉. You probably missed the fact I created an aggregate topic whilst you were writing your big post.
API to get gg.deals links and price data, to display on Steam
Either way, adding something like that via any userscript or extension would probably require an API request with the Steam game id to the gg.deals and getting back the gg.deals game url. Also, an API could provide a way to show current low/historical low on Steam pages like SteamDB extension already does, but with more stores.
Steam Owned DLCs shown as unowned - why? - GG.deals …
Im pretty sure your knowledge is way greater than mine on this matter but if i log into SteamBD (https://steamdb.info/) DLCs are set as owned there with no issues.
seek girl怎么下载dlc? - 知乎
知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、 …
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 - all wrong offers? - GG.deals …
Eneba - GG: 91 zł - w rzeczywistości: 150 zl; CDKeys - GG: 145 zł - w rzeczywistości: 158 zł ...
Most voted - GG.deals Community
Public GG.deals wishlist / collection - sharing them with friends Sort pages by amount of Steam reviews / percentage of positive Steam reviews Separate new historical low from matching historical low Display current lowest & historical price on Alert list. Next Page »
Difmark scammers - GG.deals Community
licordesoma. We are glad your issue was resolved and you got your money back. Unfortunately, the speed of processing the refund is beyond our control and we cannot control or speed up the process.
在守望先锋亚服,必备的交流术语有哪些? - 知乎
绕后-flanking (例:Genji is flanking) 某某某只剩一丝血-xxx is low/one 禁疗-purple/anti (例-Mercy is purple/anti) 小号炸鱼:smurfing 传送门:tp 天使复活:res/rez 挂机-afk 好游戏(比赛结尾用)-GG!
the tag filter isn't working for me - GG.deals Community
hello, is anyone else having this problem? the "tag" filter does nothing when I click on it. All the other filters work as expected. I'm using Edge browser.