• SPE proton and GCR environments (e.g. CREME96 Solar Flare or ESP and PSYCHIC @>90% Confidence)-• GCR environment does fluctuate, but changes are tiny compared to trapped …
Advances in space radiation physics and transport at NASA
2019年8月1日 · In low Earth orbit (LEO), the geomagnetic field deflects a portion of the galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and all but the most intense solar particle events (SPE). There are also …
GCR and SPE organ doses in deep space with different shielding: …
2006年1月1日 · As expected, the SPE doses were found to decrease dramatically with increasing the shield thickness, whereas GCR doses were almost independent of the shielding in the …
本文通过分析初始GCR能谱和SPE能谱,使用确定性粒子输运更加精确的蒙特卡罗高能粒子输运工 具包Geant4,模拟了银河宇宙射线和太阳质子事件在不同等效铝厚度下的空间辐射环境的变 …
Full article: Everything you wanted to know about space radiation but ...
2021年4月27日 · The risks from GCR and SPE exposures are increased. As previously mentioned, massive shielding in spacecrafts can reduce but not eliminate these exposures. In …
Galactic cosmic ray simulation at the NASA Space Radiation …
2016年2月1日 · The GCR Simulator Project at NSRL will generate an accelerator-based spectrum of ions and energies that closely approximate those that are known to make up the shielded …
质子辐射 - 百度百科
质子辐射,是粒子辐射的一种,有一定能量的质子(氢核)组成,常见于太空辐射中,其常见能量为1~1000MeV,是SPE、GCR的重要组成部分,对人体健康以及电子元器件有很强的破坏作 …
GCR and SPE Radiation Effects in Materials - NTRS - NASA …
2016年10月28日 · This Year 3 project provides risk reduction data to assess galactic cosmic ray (GCR) and solar particle event (SPE) space radiation damage in materials used in manned …
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20160012736: GCR and SPE …
2016年11月2日 · This Year 3 project provides risk reduction data to assess galactic cosmic ray (GCR) and solar particle event (SPE) space radiation damage in materials used in manned …
The Deep Space Radiation Environment
Galactic Cosmic Radiation (GCR): High energy GCR particles (~25MeV - ~20GeV) of all atomic numbers are showered into the galaxy when stars undergo supernova. Approximately 88% of …