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/g/ Sound Spelled GU Word List | OnTrack Reading
2023年6月4日 · The /g/ sound has five common spellings, g, gg, gh, gu, and gue. The gu spelling of the /g/ sound begins a word, or chunk, in the ten words on this list.
<gu> and <gh> ( Read ) | Spelling | CK-12 Foundation
2016年2月10日 · Sometimes when a [g] sound has an <e>, <i>, or <y> right after it, the [g] sound will be spelled <g> with an insulating <u> standing between the <g> and the <e>, <i>, or <y> to keep the <g> from looking as if it should be pronounced [j]. Originally these words were spelled with no <u> in English.
Atividade de Ortografia: G e GU - Ensinar Hoje
Habilidade: (EF03LP01) Ler e escrever palavras com correspondências regulares contextuais entre grafemas e fonemas – c/qu; g/gu; r/rr; s/ss; o (e não u) e e (e não í) em sílaba átona em final de palavra – e com marcas de nasalidade (til, m, n).
/g/ Sound Spelled GUE Word List - OnTrack Reading
2023年6月4日 · The /g/ sound has five common spellings, g, gg, gh, gu, and gue. The gue spelling of the /g/ sound is an ending in all eight words on this list.
Word list activities: Words that begin with 'gu' /g/ sound
Use the list: Words that begin with 'gu' /g/ sound Learn. Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity.
graphèmes g, gu, ge - Genially
2021年3月20日 · A l'assaut des gratte-ciel ! Taoki les lettres g, ge, gu. 6-Jour 2Découvrir le son [g] 5-Lecture de syllabes. 4-Phonologie. 3-Graphèmes. 2-des alphas prisonniers