Carbofuran - Wikipedia
It is marketed under the trade names Furadan, by FMC Corporation and Curaterr 10 GR, by Bayer among several others. [7] Carbofuran exhibits toxicity mediated by the same mechanism as that of the notorious V-series nerve agents and presents a risk to human health.
Furadan - Crop Protection
Furadan is a contact, stomach & systemic, broad spectrum Insecticide. Furadan works excellent on wide variety of pests (Foilar pest, soil pest and nematode). Encapsulated formulation of Furadan provides longer duration control and better safety in handling as it is dust free.
This Brutal Pesticide Creates a ‘Circle of Death.' So Why Is It …
” Introduced with the U.S. trade name Furadan in 1967, carbofuran offered farmers the tantalizing prospect of greater crop yields. A broad-spectrum insecticide, it could wipe out insects, mites, and nematodes plaguing fields of corn, soybeans, alfalfa, and potatoes.
Furadan 3G Insecticide: Its uses and potential risks
Apr 26, 2023 · Furadan 3G is primarily used to control pests such as aphids, thrips, mites, and whiteflies in various crops such as cotton, soybean, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. It can be applied as a foliar spray, soil drench, or seed treatment.
Furadan 3G (Carbofuran 3% CG) | Buy Online Starting Rs 149
Furadan 3G Insecticide by Crystal Crop Protection is a highly effective, broad-spectrum insecticide. It contains carbofuran, an organophosphate compound known for its potent insecticidal properties. It provides long-lasting residual …
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Furadan - Others Insecticides
Furadan (Crystal Crop Protection) is a broad-spectrum insecticide containing the active ingredient Carbofuran 3% CG (Encapsulated). It is specifically designed to control a wide range of pests, including soil-borne pests, foliar pests, and nematodes, in various crops, including maize, cotton, paddy, groundnut, sugarcane, tomato, chilli, apple ...
FURADAN 350 L es un insecticida nematicida sistémico de amplio espectro para el control de nematodos e insectos. USESE EXCLUSIVAMENTE EN LOS CULTIVOS Y PLAGAS AQUI RECOMENDADOS
Citeste despre furadan - Catena.ro
Furadan este denumirea comerciala a pesticidului Carbofuran, unul dintre cele mai toxice pesticide, utilizat la combaterea insectelor care ataca culturile de cartofi, porumb si soia.
Mengenal Furadan Pembasmi Hama Tanaman - Jagad Tani
Oct 22, 2021 · Furadan adalah sebuah insektisida yang bisa Sahabat Tani gunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai hama yang menyerang tanaman kalian. Biasanya hama yang sering muncul yaitu cacing, ulat, semut, perusak daun, bintil akar, penggerek batang dan hama lainnya.
Buy Furadantin Online - Nitrofurantoin 100mg Capsules
Jul 29, 2022 · In cytological studies made using a puncture biopsy, 4 types of cells were found in smears among erythrocytes, leukocyte and reticulohistiocytic elements. furadantin pills refers to the first type as small cells, often of irregular shape, with mesh or homogeneous protoplasm and usually loose nuclei.