Drilled Pier Frost Heave - Structural engineering general discussion ...
2025年2月11日 · Therefore, the pier's surface area below the frost depth should be several times greater than the surface area within the frost depth. The embedment length below the frost depth could have an allowable concrete to soil bond stress and a bond area that could provide uplift resistance that is significantly greater than the 44 kip of frost heave.
Frost line depth - Foundation engineering - Eng-Tips
2013年11月14日 · Here a number of codes do define "frost depth" as required foundation depth for outside walls. However, that "frost depth" can vary considerably, depending on moisture content of soil. The lower moisture content of granular soils will allow deeper "frost penetration", but fortunately those soils are not usually types that heave.
equipment pad - Structural engineering general discussion - Eng …
2009年12月18日 · for seismic design ASCE requires components to be securely fasten to the supporting structure. sometimes we design concrete pads to support an HVAC units outside buildings. it seems funny we anchor the unit to the pad but the pad itself is not securely attached to something else. since the pad...
Purpose of thickened edge for concrete slabs on grade? 2 - Eng-Tips
2018年11月28日 · A thickened slab edge usually won’t solve a frost problem, if such problem exists, that needs a deeper edge beam, or wall and ftg. The edge of a slab is generally its weakest point since it has no added/adjacent support from surrounding slab on one edge.
Placing fill when frozen soil exists - Eng-Tips
2008年1月25日 · Once the frost is dug out work quickly as this face will begin to freeze. If it is left open at night, it might be protected using concrete blankets. 5. The backfill should be clean gravel or crushed stone. I like 3/4 in. stone. If using gravel, try to get the cleanst you can as it is the fines that cause the greast problem with frost.
House foundation anchored to large rock, no footing
2022年7月6日 · The soil report recommends the house foundation shall be on spread footings at frost depth. What happens if they have a hard time digging to frost depth due to a very large rock at some areas? I am talking about a solid rock roughly about 16 ft long, 8 ft wide. Not sure how deep it going to...
Monolithic Footing Design - Structural engineering general
2006年7月20日 · The monolithic footing, or turned down slab edge, is primarily a means of terminating the slab pour without have the masonry crew show up to lay two courses of block (in Florida where we have no frost line). This type of foundation can typically support a one-story residential structure with no problem.
Pile, Pile Caps and Compression laps and anchorage
2013年1月31日 · Just a thought here, if the pile cape doesn't extend below the frost line, it could potentially lift upward with frost heave if it wasn't tied into the pile reinforcing. It wouldn't likely come completely displaced from the pile below, but the upward movement could damage the structure above. M.S. Structural Engineering
Equipment pad/foundation question? 1 - Eng-Tips
2011年5月23日 · Assuming that frost heave is not an issue, then drainage is the next issue. Make sure your slab is on a well compacted, but free draining subgrade. Your slab thickness estimates are fine. You might want to use a thickened edge slab …
Concrete porch slab on grade - detailing - Eng-Tips
2014年8月7日 · To the comments about frost heave - I feel like that is not much of a concern. To get frost heave you need three things, freezing weather, a water source, and frost susceptible soil. A water source does not mean soil with moisture in it, it means enough water that where you have ice lensing happening more water can be drawn to that area through ...