Fraxel | Skin Resurfacing Treatment
Fraxel ® DUAL 1550/1927 laser treatment targets aging and sun-damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep into your skin to expedite your body’s remodeling of …
Skin Resurfacing Treatment - Fraxel
The original non-invasive fractional resurfacing treatment that improves tone, texture and radiance of aging, sun damaged or scarred skin. thermage ® clear + brilliant ®
Fraxel | Skin Resurfacing Treatment
Fraxel ® 1927nm wavelength is indicated for skin resurfacing including for the treatment of actinic keratosis (pre-cancerous skin lesions); treatment of pigmented lesions, such as age spots, sun …
Fraxel | Skin Resurfacing Treatment
Fraxel treatment improves tone, texture, and radiance for aging, sun damaged, or scarred skin. Fraxel is for people who want to look and feel younger without severe changes or extended …
Fraxel | Traitement de resurfaçage de la peau
Le traitement laser Fraxel MD DUAL 1550/1927 cible la peau vieillissante et endommagée par le soleil en faisant pénétrer des colonnes de laser microscopiques profondément dans la peau …
Fraxel | Traitement de resurfaçage de la peau
Conçu pour donner une apparence plus jeune à la peau en un seul traitement sans chirurgie ni injection, Fraxel MD produit des résultats exceptionnels* avec un temps de convalescence …
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