Frank Rizzo - Wikipedia
Francis Lazarro Rizzo (October 23, 1920 – July 16, 1991) was an American police officer and politician. He served as commissioner of the Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) from 1967 …
The Brutal Legacy of Frank Rizzo, the Most Notorious Cop in ...
2015年10月22日 · In the era of the Black Lives Matter movement and the April conflagration on the streets of Baltimore, a reexamination of the life of Philadelphia’s most notorious former …
Frank Rizzo Statue Is Removed In Philadelphia: 'It Is Finally Gone ...
2020年6月3日 · A statue of controversial former Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo was vandalized during protests over the death of George Floyd in Minnesota. The city of Philadelphia took …
Civil Rights and the Rise of Frank Rizzo in 1960s Philadelphia
2019年1月25日 · In Philadelphia, Frank Rizzo’s “law and order” tenure as police commissioner provoked a renewed, even more militant response to police brutality among young African …
The Rise of Rizzo – PhillyHistory Blog
2018年9月10日 · Frank L. Rizzo at his desk in City Hall on the first day of his first term as Mayor, January 4, 1972. (PhillyHistory.org) To win re-election in 1967, Mayor James.
Frank Rizzo - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Francis Lazarro "Frank" Rizzo, Sr. (October 23, 1920 – July 16, 1991) was an American politician. He was the Mayor of Philadelphia , Pennsylvania from 1972 through 1980. He was also the …
Rizzo, Frank Lazzaro - Encyclopedia.com
Rizzo, Frank Lazzaro (b. 23 October 1920 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 16 July 1991 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), police commissioner and mayor of Philadelphia who was both …
Notes from Sal Paolantonio’s landmark 1993 biography of Frank Rizzo
2019年5月5日 · In recent years, it became commonplace to compare legendary and controversial former Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo with Donald Trump. Perhaps that was why I finally …
Why Philadelphia's Frank Rizzo was both detested and admired.
2018年12月21日 · Rizzo voters saw their economic livelihood threatened by deindustrialization, the collapse of once-stable neighborhoods, and—in terms of the government response to what …
Ex-Mayor Rizzo Dies at 70 Amid Campaign - Los Angeles Times
1991年7月17日 · NEW YORK — Frank L. Rizzo, the burly, tough-talking ex-police chief who won national attention as Philadelphia’s controversial “law-and-order” mayor in the 1970s, died …