shotgun round for fox - Gun and Game Forum
2012年11月27日 · Coyotes were not around then but fox always were suggested to use #2 lead--I dont know that it is even made today. Someone said 7 1/2 to 8--NO NO. Need something to penetrate. There is a load out there 'dead coyote' or some such. They are recommended for doggie size critters out to an amazing 60 yards. Cost is over $2/pop.
Ruger Super Redhawk | Gun and Game Forum
2025年1月25日 · In .22 Hornet? 9.5 in. barrel, 8 round cylinder. 4lb handgun Anyone tried one yet?
Grocery Store Backpacking Food. | Gun and Game Forum
2023年3月7日 · 4.2K views 27 replies 10 participants last post by blue fox Dec 25, 2023 BigEd63 Discussion starter 12158 posts · Joined 2008
Kansas deer hunt with grandson | Gun and Game Forum
2024年12月11日 · I hunted a couple of days last week with my oldest grandson back in Kansas. He got a nice buck on the 1st day (right before sunset). Here's a pic of the two of us with his deer and a shot of the rack right after we trailed it at sunset. I'm the old guy on the right.
Looking for help tracing history of percussion North...
2019年4月9日 · That is an Indian NW trade gun. The circled fox facing to the right indicates a NW Trade gun. The plugged 3 holes indicate the placement of a flint lock Frizzen spring. These were the most popular smooth bores in Canada 1630-1680. It is a 20 Ga smooth bore. That was large for a trade gun. The preference was a .540 bore.
Shotgun Discussion - Gun and Game Forum
2013年4月30日 · When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community.
Building A Tire Wall | Gun and Game Forum
2013年4月7日 · the stumbling block for me is what if anything smaller than 50cal would penetrate this thing? The general idea is to build a wall that is about 8-10 feet high with a combo of firing ports and firing steps built in. tires would be anchored together and filled with hard packed dirt as the wall goes up.
Mangy | Gun and Game Forum
2024年12月15日 · I was working outwest a while ago, living in the machinery shed - shearing shed. One evening a fox stuck its head in there as I cooked my dinner. They are an introduced, feral pest here. Mangey-ist thing I ever saw. It looked like someone had dumped a tub of gel on it and brushed it backwards.
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Smith & Wesson - Gun and Game Forum
2011年11月9日 · blue fox; Mar 31, 2024; 2 985 Apr 1, 2024. by ... Mar 8, 2023. by GoodNeighborSam. None-Ya S&W fans have ...