Changing Information on Your Social Security Record. To change the information on your Social Security number record (i.e., a name or citizenship change, or corrected date of birth) you …
If you download, print and complete a paper form, please mail or take it to your local Social Security office or the office that requested it from you. Important Note: PDFs you open from …
Social Security card, you must visit a Social Security office or Card Center. You will need to complete an Application for a Social Security Card (form SSA-5) available at . …
Social Security account to request a replacement card, they can still begin the process online and save time. Your clients also have the option to print and complete an . Application for a Social …
To get a replacement Social Security card for a child, you can use our online Social Security number and card application available at
Whether you or anyone else has ever filed for Social Security benefits, Medicare or Supplemental Security Income on your behalf. (If so, we will also ask for information on whose Social …
Social Security Administration. Form . SS-5-SP (12-2024) Discontinue Prior Editions Página 1 de 5. OMB No. 0960-0066. Si está llenando esta solicitud por otra persona, debe proveer …
RICEVUTA DELLA TESSERA DI SOCIAL SECURITY O UN DOCUMNTO DI SOCIAL SECURITY. Documenti che dimostrano la cittadinanza statunitense. Generalmente, occorre …
Pour modifier les informations figurant sur votre dossier de numéro de Social Security (c'est-à-dire, un changement de nom ou de citoyenneté, ou une correction de la date de naissance), …