Section 2. Remittances, Form 809 and Designated Payments
The canceled check or money order is the taxpayer's proof of payment. If a taxpayer insists on getting a receipt, issue Form 809, Receipt for Payment of Taxes. Form 809 is the ONLY official receipt. When Form 809 is issued, it serves as the posting document unless the payment is received with a return.
FACTS: When a taxpayer makes payment in person at a Customer Service walk-in center, and requests a receipt, the IRM provides that Service personnel may only issue as a receipt a Form 809, Receipt for Payment of Taxes.
Monthly filer forms (Form ST-809 series) - NYS Department of …
2024年11月20日 · Monthly filer forms (Form ST-809 series) Filing period Due date Form number Instructions Form title; January 2025: Thursday, February 20, 2025: ST-809: ST-809-I (Instructions) New York State and Local Sales and Use Tax Return for Part-Quarterly (Monthly) Filers: December 2024: Tuesday, January 21, 2025:
Forms, Division of Motor Vehicles, State of Alaska
The following are some of our most widely used forms. Most of the forms are set up so that you can type the information on the form and print it, making it easier to complete and read. If you print the form before entering the requested information, you must use …
DFCS Forms Online - Division of Family & Children Services
All DFCS forms are housed on the Online Directives Information System (ODIS), which can be accessed here: odis.dhs.ga.gov/general.
Mandate to use Sales Tax Web File - Most filers fall under this requirement. See Form ST-809-I, Instructions for Form ST-809. No tax due? Enter your gross sales and services in box 1 of Step 1 below; enter none in boxes 2 and 3. You must file by the due date even if no tax is due. There is a $50 penalty for late filing of a no-tax-due return.
Health Benefits Election Form Form Approved: OMB No. 3206-0160 . Uses for Standard Form (SF) 2809 Use this form to: • Switch designated eligible family member; or Enroll or reenroll in the FEHB Program; or Elect not to enroll in the FEHB Program (employees only);or Change your FEHB enrollment; or Cancel your FEHB enrollment; or
RFA Forms - California Dept. of Social Services
All LIC forms for Resource Family Approval have been finalized and are posted on the CDSS Forms Website, foster family agencies shall no longer use draft versions of these forms.
Forms - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
OPM forms satisfy a valid need; essential to accomplish a mission and necessary for the efficient and economical operation of the Office of Personnel Management. This web site provides the official edition of Office of Personnel Management forms.
I have personally reviewed the information on this application and certify under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge and belief