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sap FI 财务会计-事务码 - CSDN博客
2008年11月4日 · 文章浏览阅读3k次。FB99 Check if Documents can be Archived 检查凭证是否可归档FRCA Settlement calendar 结算日历FSF1 Financial Calendar 会计日历OBCZ C FI Maintain Table T021E C FI 维护表 T021EOBF5 C FI maint. table T042OFI/T042OFIT C FI 维护表 …
Fédération Béninoise de Volley Ball, association sportive chargé de la promotion de la pratique du Volley-ball au Bénin à travers l'organisation les formations, les championnats, les tournois …
Learn Letters and Phonics FGHIJ - YouTube
Learn Letters and Phonics FGHIJ | English Alphabet ABCD Song | Nursery Rhymes Songs With LyricsKids are always learning even when they are playing so put tho...
FBVB error msg "Transaction not defined for direct call-up" - SAP …
2007年9月11日 · Solved: Dear Gurus, Pls help me on issues below:- 1.)What is the diff between FBV0 and FBVB? 2.)When i try to initialize FBVB. I received an error "Transaction FBVB.
Transaction code: FBVB - Business - Spiceworks Community
2016年5月26日 · What is the different between FBVB and FBV0 since both t-codes are post and parked document? What other t-codes when combined with these two t-codes would cause SOD conflict? Would these two t-codes cause SOD conflict wi…
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3340590 - Posting parked documents/ Held document overview / …
This central Knowledge Base Article (KBA) document includes several "How-to" documents, guides and troubleshooting scenarios related to Posting parked documents. The following topics will be covered in the resolution section below: Read more...
SAP Transaction Code FBVB (Post Parked Document) - SAP TCodes
SAP Transaction Code FBVB (Post Parked Document) - SAP TCodes - The Best Online SAP Transaction Code Analytics
FBVB Tcode in SAP | Post Parked Document Transaction Code
FBVB tcode in SAP is coming under FI and FI module.