Foam. Developing tools for thought. Getting started. It's easy to start writing with Foam. Let's do it Built for your 🧠 with 💜 ...
A personal knowledge management and sharing system for …
Foam is a personal knowledge management and sharing system inspired by Roam Research, built on Visual Studio Code and GitHub. You can use Foam for organising your research, …
Writing Notes - Foam
Writing Notes. Notes are simple text files with some extra flavor, in the shape of Markdown syntax and support for extra properties (see [note-properties]). Foam Syntax. Foam uses standard …
Note Templates - Foam
Foam supports note templates which let you customize the starting content of your notes instead of always starting from an empty note. Note templates are .md files located in the special …
Capture Notes With Shortcuts and GitHub Actions - Foam
You use Foam for VSCode to manage your notes; You wish to adopt a practice such as A writing inbox for transient and incomplete notes; You wish to use Shortcuts to capture quick notes into …
foam-template | Foam workpace template
If you haven’t yet, browse over to the main Foam documentation to get an idea of what Foam is and how to use it. Press “Use this template” button at foam-template (that’s this repository!) to …
Getting Started | foam-template
Welcome to your new foam workspace, let’s get you started. if you are already familiar with Foam and don’t need help, just remove the docs folder for a clean repo. Let’s go through this to set …
Link Reference Definitions - Foam
When you use [[wikilinks]], the foam-vscode extension can automatically generate Markdown Link Reference Definitions at the bottom of the file. This is not needed to navigate your workspace …
Daily Notes - Foam
View today’s note file by running the Foam: Open Daily Note command, by using the shortcut alt+d (note: shortcuts can be overridden), or by using #snippets. The name, location, and title …
Migrating from Roam (stub) | Foam
A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode